The Rioteers is a MW2 clan focused on riot shields. if you like riot shields, then add the clan GT, xrioteerx, to your friends list.
I suggest using a throwing knife instead of tactical insertion. Throwing knife works wonders when terrible people just sit there and spray till they reload. It's also sum srs lulz.
Any clan name suggestions? I use a tactical insertion because I can go to someone's favorite camping spot, drop a TI, and annoy them with my shield. Then, when they kill me, I'll spawn and give them a face full of Riot shield. I've already completed all the Jack-In-The-Box Challenges (Kill an enemy five seconds after a TI respawn.) I like both, however I think the AA-12 is more effective and the Stryker has more ammo. I think the AA-12 rocks. I just unlocked the Holographic sight for it last night and I believe extended mags is next in line. After I get Marathon Pro I might try scavenger for extra ammo.
I play hardcore TDM/S&D/HQ mostly riot shield M9 w/tactical knife throwing knife smoke marathon pro cold-blooded pro/lightweight pro commando pro painkiller It's funny sprinting at the beginning of the match right up to a guy trying to get into his favorite camping spot and freaking out that he can't kill me. I just sprint to get in closer or corner him so I can bash him down. Another tactic I use is to find a friend, or some guy that will willingly follow me around so I can cover him and he can shoot.
my tactic (only done it once, it worked tho) 1. Switch to secondary(w/ shield on back) 2. Turn around(walking backwards) 3. Walk backwards into enemy infested building. 4. Turn around after they stop shooting(to reload) 5. Unleash Hell 6. Profit
Yeah that won't work. I remember I was chasing this guy when I had a riot shield. He was shooting at me for must've been 30 seconds. Until he finally planted a claymore and ran. No need to finish the story.
I am so hypocritical with the Riot shield. I love using it, but i hate it when people use it on me. My class is: Riot Shield P2228 or some ****, whatever the 1st Machine pistol is. (With FMJ) Throwing Knife / Blast Shield Stun Grenade Marathon Pro Lightweight Pro Commando Pro Martyrdom
I'd love to play a 9v9 game with all players using Marathon, Lightweight, and Commando Pro. Then give everyone a Riot Shield and have a phalanx battle.
win. I'm joining just to do this.... We should have a clan name that can fit in the clantag, it's easier to identify and stuff.
I love the riot shield, this is the class I use. Riot Shield G18 (Akimbo) Throwing Knife Stun Grenades Marathon Pro Lightweight Pro Commando Pro Martyrdom It's perfect becuase you can run faster than everyone for an unlimited ammont of time. I've found that most times a person is confronted with a riot shield they either a) Run right at you (not to hard to kill) b) Sit there (Throwing Knife them) or c) Try and run away (you are faster than them, and the G18s are deadly). As for the clan, there is a riot shield emblem and some titles that relate to it that I have been using for a while. They aren't too hard to unlock.
Why are you guys using shotguns with a riot shield class? the riot shield already covers the close quarters combat and so does the knife, and I think machine pistols take too long to whip out, I personally think that the M9 works the best.
When I had 'em, I used Akimbo Model 1887, and they were pretty much the most amazing things ever, considering they have more range than some SMGs. But after Prestige, I've used mostly Magnum and Thumper. Thumper can take out other Riottiers, and others using them for cover, not to mention it can be used long range. The magnum was ok, but without Stopping Power, I found they were too weak, and with their inaccuracy it was a bad trade off. I also tried RPG before Prestige, but I found myself blowing my self up too much. This is what I have now: Riot Shield Thumper Throwing Knife Stun Grenade Marathon Danger Close Commando Martyrdom I'm considering change and listening for oppinions.