Expert Jumping First off, hi i'm Xii ShoGuN and this is my second map I'm posting to Forgehub. I actually made this map some time ago, but one day I saw it lingering in my sandbox maps and decided to post it finally. Now, for you fellow jumpers out there, you may have come to thread because of the title "Expert Jumping". You're probably thinking "Expert jumping? I is a souper leet ghadi hopper, i can has win. No Maup can defeet Meh." If your thinking this, you're in for a surprise. This map puts your skills as a jumper to the limit. In order to complete this map (if you can hehe), you will need to know the following skills: Turret Jumping Slide jumping Radar Jammer Jumping Trip mine jumping Crouch Jumping Late Jumping Around Corner Jumping (don't know what else to call it) The ability to hold in anger Note: You must be host in order to complete this map. This is because radar jammer jumping doesn't work if your not host. Note2: I finished typing this up, pressed "Submit new thread", and it DELETED everything I wrote! So sorry if this post seems rushed, It's just because I've already wrote all this once. On to pictures! Here is a basic overiew (You can see the sheer size of map) Here is the starting area. You see the 2 entrances on my left and right and the that mischievous teleporter floating above my head? Guess what those are? Yeah, that's right they're checkpoints. I gave you these out of my kindness and to keep you from throwing your controller. Pleasure is mine After some fairly basic jumps comes the slide jump. Do a couple of jumps and cross these bad boys. After that you will get your first checkpoint! That right, your 1/5 of the way there! Have fun ascending! (In the right corner you can barely see a pallet. Yes, you must land on that.) You will unlock the second checkpoint and then come to my favorite, unique jump that I made up. I call it the trip mine/grav lift jump. It may take i few tries to master it, but practice makes perfect. Message me if your having trouble. The picture should help explain it. Turret jump time! Breathing heavily and your hands sweating buckets, you unlock the third checkpoint. Congratulations! Your almost there, but not yet. This jump is mighty tricky because when your facing the killball straight on, you don't see the red light. Genius, to say the least. After some hellish jumps, you get to my rock wall. Did you bring your safety harness? Fourth checkpoint unlocked! If the map felt like a breeze for you until now, prepare for a hurricane. You see that sniper? I think you know what to do with it (hint: snipe fusion coils.) Note: If the blocks don't land in the right spot, don't fret! Snipe the pallets and they will come raining down on you, hopefully providing a pathway to jump on! Now comes your first radar jammer jump! Aren't you excited? Fifth checkpoint unlocked baby! The only reason i put one there is because, well, quite frankly this is the hardest jump in the game. Throw the radar jammers to make a path for you to jump to the other side. Sound easy right? I hope your good at turret jumping! Oh yeah, save a radar jammer for the last turret because your going to need it to jump to the tele. And ofcoarse, the That's it! I probably think of a prize for the special someone that finishes this by himself. : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details
After you left last night I gave the map a run through trying not to monitor flip as much as possible. It took me about 20 tries =P, but the thing that makes this level fun is that its not frustratingly hard. It takes a decent amount of effort to figure it out and once you do its pretty fun. The grav lift/trip mine jump was by far the most epic.
ya this map was pretty cool I enjoyed the challenge. I have to admit i did get angry at a few parts bc it took me a while to get past it, anyway this map is a really truly epic jumping map.
Thanks Dell. So did you finish it? Were you able to figure out the trip mine/grav lift jump? Anyways glad you enjoyed it for it takes alot of jumping skill in order to complete, but once you get to the finish, it's oh so satisfying. Edit: Could you also possibly send me the film clip of you beating it? Just for shits and giggles Perhaps you will get a prize!?
Believe it or not, this was a really hard jumping map, I usually don't play jumpin' maps, but this one insanely hard, if you're looking for a challenge give it a dl.
hmmm this looks good but isn't it in the wrong section it should be under mini game right? wow that looks pretty hard as well.
this is a really enjoyable jump map. I've been playing and I'm finding its requiring a lot of skill to complete it. You have made it in such a way thats not difficult, but just requires a bit of logical thinking. Good work.