Hello! Well this is kinda complicated, but i guess i'll start. First of all, i'm not a new member at ForgeHub. I am simply making a new account for a fresh start. The details as of why i am doing this will be covered later. I have had a past account, named xGradeXx, which was my old username/gamertag. Look the user up to see some of my maps. I guess i should tell you a bit more about me. I am 15 years old, in grade 9. I am i guess what you would call a "Computer Nerd." No hard feelings there, i agree with that. I do have an extended knowledge of computers compared to my peers. Normally you can find out a lot of things from a person by finding out what music they listen to. I listen to anything from Thrash - Black metal. Screamo if you wanna be stereotypical. Given with this, my personality is what some describe as "hardcore." I always laugh at this, because when serious matters come up i am very serious along with it. This is also very true, i act very stuck up and mean, but not in a bad way. Normally when i say bad things i am just joking. I don't like making fun of people, its just not me. Sports? Well i play soccer, maybe some hockey... Yes hockey, i am from Canada. I live in Airdrie Alberta, a small city outside of Calgary. Back to the matter of why i am making a new account. About 5-6 Months back, i was a happy gamer, until my Xbox got the E73 error, and my warranty ran out. Didn't see that one coming, did ya? I was a very active member at ForgeHub until this, then i have been out of contact. About my Xbox, i didn't touch it for at least 4 months. Then one day, out of my pure boredom, i went and bought some supplies to try to fix my Xbox myself. I'm not going to pay $120 for something i can fix for $10. After doing a lot of searching, i finally opened my Xbox and did many of the popular tricks, including the Penny trick and X Clamp fix. Well yeah, my Xbox was running for about 2 weeks (Meaning i had some time to play MW2 =D). Then after that, i had countless errors that i tried to fix myself, but only ended up making it worse. Eventually i gave up, and i decided i'm going to get a new Xbox, after i get my Ibanez Xiphos (Thats a sweet ass guitar, for any of you who don't know). So now i decided to get more into the community part of ForgeHub, not just posting maps and checking them every few days. My gamertag has been changed to xVespherx, but there is no point in adding me, if you read above. As i said, i will be more active in the social sections of the site, all though i will still review maps using my 1.5 year game play experience. If you read all that, thank you. You now know that much more about me. I hope i have another good run on this site, with many more friends! PS: I work at McDonald's. Shut up.
Ahh don't feel bad about working at McDonalds, not everyone here has a job. I work at Kmart. This time of the year it is not wise to work this type of job. I'm working to work though so what can I say. Sorry to hear bout the box. We changed a bit of our policy on posting in the map section I would warn you to be careful. The staff have vamped up the things they consider spam, it is no longer just NEeds more interlocking but has to be effective points. Again I sent you a visitor message but Welcome.. Back and hope you enjoy it here again like you once did.
Why couldn't you just use your old account? There's no problem with using your old account to log back into the site. Welcome (again) to Forgehub, and as G043R said, be careful about the spam.
youve got balls to open up your xbox. But i guess if it was already broken whats the harm? Besides that I want to say is What everyone has already posted, try not to spam and whats with the multiple accounts? Oh and the P.S. Was funny welcome back
Multiple accounts? Well I'm not using the other account so i don't have multiple accounts, but I'll stop being a smart ass and answer your question. I guess i am just lazy to request a name change, delete all the 1 blog posts, edit all the stuff....... Sorry?