"Breaking Dawn"

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by xxINFERNOxx, Oct 31, 2009.

  1. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    "Breaking Dawn"
    Created by Xii ShoGuN

    Note: I will be posting a v2 soon. Most likely next week. The dl links you see here are from the v2. When you dl them however, they will look very different from the pics seen here. I have made various improvement and additions to the map that I have tested considerably. Next week, however, I will post the v2 on a new thread because it's so different. Thanks to anyone that has enjoyed this map and the dl links for the v2 are below.

    Breaking Dawn v2
    Download Left2ROT v2

    A l4d stylized map

    10/31/09: I changed the game type to make humans have limited ammo and changed the map to accommodate that.

    10/31/09: Changed the map layout to prevent camping in the beginning and promote movement. I also added wall to the back of zombie spawns because you were able to get out and choose any class you wanted.

    10/31/09: Changed the map once again, but this time it's a big change, added more walkways to new rooftops and switched a light for the tin cup at the zombie spawn because it's more noticeable. Also i added a warthog in front of where the tank drop spawns, so he can "throw" it at the humans.

    I think this might finally be the last edit so you can go ahead and dl the map, haha :)

    Supported Gametypes:

    • Infection

    Forging 101:

    [ YES ] __Floating Objects
    [ ___ ] : Instant Respawn
    [ YES ] __Immovable Objects
    [ YES ] __Timed Map Events
    [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement
    [ ___ ] : Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] : Objects Placed in Water
    [ ___ ] : Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch


    First off, Hi, Im Xii ShoGuN and this is my first post on here, so please, be gracious. I've been brewing up this map for about three days and boy is it a keeper. It will keep you on your toes and have you constantly watching your back. It can get pretty intense, especially when the tank comes, it ratches up the intensity to 11. This map contains four classes for zombies, "Boomer" who has a flare; "Hunter", who has active camo and a radar jammer; "Smoker", who has a sentinel beam and finally, the "Tank", who has a custom powerup and a grav-hammer and is one bad ass mofo you don't want to mess with. He can almost always take on a human 1v1 and is deadly if he catches you off-guard. Be cautious. This map has an equal amount of funness for both sides. Humans tend to camp in the beginning but almost always get devoured by zombies and crushed by the tank. It is crucial to stay together and watch eachother's backs, anyways,


    Overview 2

    Human weapons

    Pistols and Molotovs

    Holdout area 1 (This is where most people try to survive but end up inevitably failing)

    Warthog area (it's supposed to look like the warthog crashed through the wall made a dent on the other side. You can't see it here.)

    Rooftops: NOTE: I changed the rooftops significantly in version 3.2. There's a new walkway to the tower and a whole new tower as a matter of fact

    Switch (There are two of these: one for the human and one for the tank spawn. I will just show you the one for humans. The zombie one works the same exacts way, but it spawns at 120 seconds.)

    Door closed

    Set Door (the light just signifies that it is ready to open)

    After 60 seconds you Touch the door, like this

    When you touch it, it will "activate it" and knock it over


    Holdout area 2


    Boomer/Horde (There is four teleporters on the map and you will randomly be teleported to one of them. Two in holdout area 1 and 2)

    Hunter (Two tele's on the rooftops)

    Smoker (One tele on rooftop)



    *Note that all the zombies weapons are drop spawned

    Whew! That alot of pictures to upload, took me about two hours.


    You are the weakest links in the game, but can become a great distraction for a assassination by a hunter. Use communication to take down the scum bags (humans) and you will earn victory!

    • Stay close to special infected, as they can provide vital cover
    • Sure rushing is always a good tactic, but the hefty spawn time (10 sec. to spawn plus 5 sec. to get in game) can be a discourager.
    • Go for the assassination!

    Boomers have fairly weak abilities. In order to use him properly, you must communicate with your fellow hunter teammates and make sure to coordinate your attacks. Boomer carry a flare, which can be a deadly combination with the hunter's radar jammer. Once you use the flare, however, you become a normal infected.

    • Remember that if you die with your flare not being used, the humans can pick it up!
    • The Horde and boomer's spawns share the same teleporter, making boomers easier to maneuver around the map

    Smokers carry a sentinel beam, which can be very powerful if used correctly. Smokers spawn on the rooftop.

    • Use the rooftops to your advantage!
    • Don't jump down onto flat ground unless you really have to because
      1. Sentinel beams are not good for close range
      2. If you die, you will give the humans your very powerful sentinel beam, which does NOT make life easier for you!

    Hunters are one of the more powerful units in the game, besides the tank, and can deal some major damage and possibly take out one or two people via assassinations. They have camo and carry radar jammers

    • Remember that your camo only last for so long! So make sure that use your time wisely or else you'll run out of camo and become vulnerable.
    • This doesn't mean that you should rush though!
    • Make sure that when you throw your radar jammer it's in a place that is concealed from the human's view or else they can destroy it!

    The most powerful unit in the game, but also fairly weak if concentrated with human gunfire. The tank has a custom powerup and carries a grav-hammer.

    • Make sure your teammates provide distractions because four people concentrating gunfire on you is going to take you out quick
    • You cannot run as fact as the human, your 10% slower. Make sure you know this when you rush. if your running straight towards them your most likely going to die. Try swiping your left thumbstick side to side to avoid sniper bullets, which cause the most damage
    • Tanks can pickup up weapons, so if a tank kills a human he CAN and probably WILL pick up his weapons, so make sure to kill him before he does this. Cheap, i know, but there is really no other way around it.
    • It takes three hits to kill a human with full health, powerful, but it all balances out in gameplay

    Custom Powerup Traits:

    Duration: 90 seconds

    Shields and Health:
    Damage resistance: 500%
    Shield Multiplier: Normal
    Shield Recharge: 0%
    Shield Vampism: 0&
    Immune to headshots: On

    Weapons and Damage
    Damage: 90%
    infinite ammo: disabled
    Weapon pickup: enabled

    Player speed: 90%
    Vehicle use: None

    Enhanced mode: 75 meters

    Waypoint: Visible to everyone
    Forced color: Green

    Closing Comments

    • This map is best played with 4-12 people, if there's more than it will mess up the spawns for humans, i've only played with eight, which is still a fair amount of fun.

    • Did I mention that if you camp the spawn, you will die by killballs? The killballs spawn at 90 seconds

    • It is vital to keep moving, sure, you may think that you can survive long in the warthog room. But when a tank comes, there is no room to spread out and you are pretty much toast

    • I just recently put three more spawns for normal infected (50-50 chance of being special infected) so just tell me if you're not special infected to often and i'll fix it. Where you spawn also has to due with where your teammates are in a proximity radius. For, example, when I was playing, my teammate was sitting at normal infected spawn, so I kept spawning as a hunter everytime. Just make sure your teammates are there and not brushing their teeth, ok?

    • Keep in mind that the tank spawns at 2 minutes. Be ready when he does.

    Last and not least, thanks to anybody that thoroughly read this post, for it took me roughly 3 to 4 hours. Also this is my first post to forge hub! If you missed the links at the top, here they are again:

    Breaking Dawn v2
    Download Left2ROT v2
    #1 xxINFERNOxx, Oct 31, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2009
  2. Fluffy Pie

    Fluffy Pie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a neat map from the pics only one thing I would say is not to take pics in forge though because you can see the "teardrops" and the grid on the ground which makes the pics not seem so interesting... anyways I like how the map is set up. 4/5 (based on pics)

    EDIT: Could a mod move my post down, if that is possible....didnt know he wasnt done posting.
    #2 Fluffy Pie, Oct 31, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2009
  3. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    For your first map, this is very very good. Sure, its not the most complicated layout, but the forging in this is much neater than most peoples first map. You even used geomerging, which is rare in first maps. The layout looks almost like a slayer map, but in some ways thats good because it means there arent many camping spots and encourages people to keep moving
  4. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks. Well, it isn't my first map i've made, but it's surely the first i've posted to forgehub. I had a much different map layout in mind when i first started forging this, i even drew the layout on paper. But, due to object limits, I didn't turn out as i wanted it to but still captured the essence of the l4d feel, so I feel pretty accomplished for that. Make sure you dl and test out with your friends! I'm looking for some constructive feedback please.
  5. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    ahha, I finally got it to stop refreshing. I see good and bad things about this one (bear in mind this is just from the pictures right now). One thing that stands out to me are several wide open areas. I know people like to be able to move around but in order to create a fearful atmosphere it is desirable to create close quarters environment to keep the humans guessing where the infected are and keeping them on their feet. If they can see their enemy from twenty feet away it takes away from that feeling. On the upside of that however is that literally every part of the crypt is playable making it impossible for anyone to break the map. That's one problem I always faced in my maps was that by some bizarre anomaly or a wayward explosion someone goes flying out of the map and is either dead or untouchable.

    From its looks, you didn't use too many objects. Maybe create aesthetic structures that could liven up the place and hinder the survivor's foresight of danger or perhaps create multiple paths to an objective. Just fill up some of that empty space, but don't just throw random stuff there; give it a purpose.

    edit: oh wow... i'm trying to figure out where all your objects went. it sure doesn't look like you should've hit oln.
    #5 Organite, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  6. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the post. Believe it or not, i reached the object limit with this one (probably mainly due to the zombie spawns and the unlim budget canvas, which already had every object in the map placed down, which, obviously, took up alot of the object limit.) Also, I think your right about the "close quarters". The truth is, i had a verrry different layout in mind when i first started building this, it was supposed to be a sort of "campaign" but ended up being two standoff areas. Also, i tried to add aesthetics where i could, but in the end it came down to core gameplay, and i had to remove them. It would be nice if you could dl the map and tell me how it plays. Or just run some customs with me. whatev, im rambling....
  7. mcgames000

    mcgames000 Ancient
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    I'm downloading right now. As you said It takes about five seconds to actually get in the game, so as a way to get around the tank picking up human weapons why not make a respawn trait which lasts five seconds allow you to pick up weapons. Just one way of solving the problem.

    Edit: Can't download I'm assuming that you took it down or something is up with bungie.net
    #7 mcgames000, Nov 26, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2009
  8. Farbeef

    Farbeef Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty good but i playd another lfd game on foundry where you could make barricades. (using teleporters and barrles because you can walk thorugh teleporters if you want to undersand pm me) if you made a seacond map for this i would suggest the barricades because it was really fun.
  9. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah it's because i have revised it allot since this post, so I will be posting it some time next week. Here are the download links if you want to download it without pictures:

    Download Breaking Dawn v2
    Download Left2Rot v2

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