MW2 how do you quick scope?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SRC48, Nov 26, 2009.

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  1. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    Does anyone have any tips for quick scoping for mw2? i'm a decent sniper and am looking to improve by learning this. I've searched youtube but the game is too young to have that many tutorials. So any useful tips given I'll compile in here for myself and others wanting to learn this.
  2. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    sleight of hand perk and practice bro. it's not an overnight thing.
  3. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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  4. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    ^ he's using acog, thats easy. I want to do what do it with the default scope
  5. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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  6. Robbo

    Robbo Ancient
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    Practice bro, use sleight of hand and intervention. This gets you used to quickscoping rather than just sprayin' n prayin' with the the Barrett.

    Also try get used to leading your shots due to latency issues, i have alot of practice with this living in the UK.
  7. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I've been trying stuff like this... I guess I should practice more. I've gotten a few sick quick scopes but meh, I need to get better.
  8. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    I played one game with my friends where i used the barret like a shotgun almost but then next game i couldnt do it again just practice and uoull get better.
  9. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Don't use the sniper easy as that. No one likes snipers and you never get that many kills with them anyhow. Your better off with a weapon which is accurate has a decent fire rate and has good damage. AUG HBAR is a good choice or maybe the Scar both can deal out a serious punch. You should not be using a sniper in close range its just not a smart move.
  10. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
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    The only gun worth quick scoping with in this game is the intervention. All the other guns are pathetic. It takes no skill whatsoever to use a Barret or W2000.
    So yeh, use the intervention. A fun way of getting the feel of quick scoping and getting use to the feel of a gun is having a mess around in a custom lobby with your friends. I was a beast at quick scoping on CoD 4 and I didn't feel comfortable with the new snipers when I came to MW2. The other day I had a few custom games and man, I love the intervention now.
  11. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    This doesn't help him at all. And you can quick scope at medium-long ranges too, you know.

    I tried quick scoping with the intervention w/FMJ and I did pretty decent for my first time trying it.

    I used:
    Sleight of Hand PRO
    Stopping Power PRO
    Steady Aim PRO

    and I got maybe three kills before I just started sniping normally.
  12. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Regardless of what is being said in do NOT need the perks mentioned. It's all timing and practice, the perks just quicken the ability (if you have it).

    I'm not speaking out of my ass either, I quickscope all the time (granted less now that I have some badass secondary weapons unlocked) since noscoping sucks ass in this.

    It's all practice. Don't set up practice-matches like what the video showed either since you need to get the mentality down. That is to say, you'll have quicker response time in terms of quickscoping if you've practiced in actual situations when you need it rather than a stationary or even moving-helper target. So just do it in-game when you can and you'll eventually pick up the ability.

    By the way, do it WITHOUT perks to start, or baseline perks that dont affect it so that you dont grow accustomed to aid.
  13. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
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    BTW... unlike in CoD4, your shot isn't guaranteed to land at the reticule while you're still bringing up your sight. So if anything you're just asking to be made less accurate if you get hit whilst in ADS.
  14. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Im just saying sniping is very risky in this game to begin with you not only limit yourself range wise but while your quickscoping your in the middle of a turkey shoot with a ineffective weapon. Im just suggesting he uses one of the most well rounded weapons in the game [AUG HBAR]. I got my k/d up to 2.5 using this weapon and I can honestly say sniping is not the best way to play this game. If you want lots of exp ,kills, and good ratio spreads you should consider one of the more effective weapons in the game.
  15. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    But it is the most fun way to play the game, IMO nothing is more satisfying than no-scoping or sniping someone. I've been practicing with the intervention for the past day, and I've gotten pretty good with it... I am still working on quick scopes(it's hard to get out of that "stay in teh scopez veew foreverz!" mentality)
  16. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    It's the same concept as any other fps really. There's always usually a bit of an auto-aim in games, which is why in the 'tutorial' they always moved the scope along horizontally and use the fact that it slows down over the other player. It's a bit obvious. It's all **** you start to notice and get down after playing for a bit. Truly, every time you play you get closer to getting it down because it's all who can get into ADS and shoot the fastest most of the time.

    personally i NEVER shoot from the hip with AR's or Snipers. (m16 ftw)

    and sid, you are SO wrong about snipers. I can rack up so many kills with a sniper rifle. with the weapons you mentioned they're all spray and pray. The Scar-H is a dope ass weapon that does serious damage but just wont help you improve skill in aiming much at all.

    To get good at quickscoping, challenge yourself and you'll get better. Turn off sleight of hand, use a semi-automatic or single shot. You'll be quick scoping in no time.
  17. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Did you really just tell him never to use a sniper?
    You sir, fail at COD.
  18. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    No, his logic IS sound, on a kill by kill basis, if common sense means anything, the sniper would get less kills than a run and gunner. However, I snipe because it suits my playstyle, it's fun for me, and I'm sure it's fun for other snipers. I go for no-deaths as opposed to massive amounts of kills anyway.
  19. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Well it depends on the situation, lets say for instance, that your team is camping, and the other team is rushing you. A sniper could sit in the back and pick them off as them came around the corner, and not risk dieing. Where as the people running at you with AR's are constantly dieing.

    It all depends on the map and the style in which you are playing. To say that the sniper should not be used is not always correct, and to say that running and gunning is the best method is not always correct.
  20. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Well my K/D is 2.52 whith aoutomatic guns and in domination games I average around 60-90 kills a game and ground war team deat I usualy get in the 40s range. Most snipers I face do not get many kills what so ever they dont die much either but I can't snipe for the simple fact that I wont settle for a handful of kills when theres points to be made. The LMG's in this game are suprisingly accurate so why use single shot rifles when you can get the same results and then some with a automatic rifle?
    My point: snipers make for slow and less profitable games.
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