Well, here's my new in-progress conquest map. Yup, that's it so far. This is much more of a teaser than preview, but it also comes with a propisition to other forgers. With the type of plans I have for this map, I'll need some help. Message me for more information, and hopefully I can start a co-forge by the end of today.
The only thing I can tell is that you're trying to go for a "bridge over water" type theme? And what will the bases be? 2 buildings, caves, tunnels, or what? Anyway I would help, but I'm 8 hrs away from my XBox. xD
Alright, very awesome. I may not be online for a few days, (Thanksgiving and whatnot) but if you are online, go ahead and send a friend request. I don't have many plans for the bases, but 2 heads are better than 1. The rest of the map will be somewhat cave-like, but not to the point of it being like The Hollow.
I'd considered lowering the angle of your ramps, or giving them a roof so players can't jump off of them and flank the other team. Just keep that in mind while you are workin on it
I see what you mean. I am going to put a roof on those ramps, don't you worry about that. I also have a few more plans for the bases now, after looking at some more conquest maps.