Hope you guys have a lot of fun peeling potatoes and eating until you can't stand up. So what are you guys thankful for? I gotta say I'm the most thankful for my family, especially my mom, who's been through a lot but she still manages to take care of us and herself. I'm obviously also thankful for my friends who are always there when I need it most. Oh yeah, and thanks for MW2. Holy ****.
Yes yes. I plan on being plum full of mashed potatoes and ham in about an hour Im thankful for a lot of things for a lot of reasons. A few: My family for always being there for me, especially my dad who has taken up so many responsibilites in my scout troop and other places just to make my life better. I'm also thankful for my friends for putting up with me for all these years.
Well im lazly relaxing in my room, to Just find out i just got the RROD on my X360. Lovely I guess. Hope everyone else gets a nice Holiday..
I'm thankful for the fact that my friend is going to be ok, he has a cancer and is allowed to smoke weed for kemo. And I'm also thankful for a great football season even though we got our asses kicked today, we had a great season throughout the rest, and I still got next year.
We don't celebrate thanksgiving in Australia. You go and enjoy your happy little American holiday >.>
I love Turkey-Massacre Day. It's freaking awesome. Anywho, I guess I'm thankful for my family, my friends, and just all the good stuff in my life.
\o yeah! Anyways, I'm thankful for my job and Mountain Dew. These things are enabling me to go Christmas shopping at 2 in the morning tomorrow.
I am thankful for a lot of things, including my online friends such as: Blu IV, Prodigy X, Blood Fire, Phreakie, iiHectic, JEEF, DM, Monster and Phreakie's favorite person: Grrr I mad face. I hope you all have a great turkey day! But I am thankful for having a healthy year, noone really got sick apart from swine flu but that only lasted a few days. Though I am gazing upon the empty place on my night table where my xbox would lay if not for RROD, I remember that this year was easy for me. No threats or bad luck. The economy doesn't seem to be affecting us. But it is for people around me and I am thankful for the good fortune of my peers.