
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by iTz Fuzzywig, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    Hey Doods- this is teh Mansion Makezorz iTz Fuzzywig coming back again for a new addition to his pallete of mansions, Acier-Garde. Acier Garde means Steel Keep in French and I thought it was a pretty good name for this mansion. This mansion is much smaller than most of my other mansions because at fist it wasn't even going to be a mansion, it was gonna be a little house that only needed normal Foundry to complete- this means no Budget Glitch- so it is a lot smaller than the rest of my mansions. =P

    Even though it is smaller, it still deserves to be called a mansion because it is still quite large and it has 8 rooms not counting hallways, it takes up about half of Foundry with the front court yard included and it has a lot of little nooks and crannies to explore...kinda like your mom. =] ANYWAYS... it took like 30 hours of forging because I had to rethink it like 3 times to stay within budget so I had to delete a lot but I believe that the final outcome is pretty nice. =] And what you have all been waiting for. TEH PICS!!

    And you can download Here

    Front View


    This is symmetrical right? =]

    Right side of Keep's windows

    Peerin out there =P

    Green Room

    Hallway of Manliness

    Sniper Window


    Cup of Tea Good Sir?

    Help! I'm claustrophobic!! ='(

    Hidin like a pro =]

    Left Windows

    Enter da Bunka!!

    Sneaky Hole (There may be a secret in there =])

    Mauler Room

    To Deep Bunker


    Camo Spawns at 120 secs

    Game Over

    Thank ya and everyone tell me what you think. =D
  2. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Yeah another map by you. This look insane for infection. Ill download when I get home. Loved your other maps, but this look INSANE!
  3. Ratman

    Ratman Ancient
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    this is so absolutely sexy i climaxed when i saw it this just made my week and i love all of your other mansion/maps, keep it up your great man,
  4. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    It look really good aestheticly but ill have to play it before i can tell you about gameplay. My favorie parts are the sniper tower and how you incorperated the windows into the map windows which is definatky the best part. Nice job 8/10
  5. Triarii

    Triarii Ancient

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    This map looks really every other map u have made. a small thing that i disliked was the fact that it was so claustraphobic, i really had a hard time moving to different places on the map. PS. fuzzy stop hatin me cause im canadian!!!!LoLZZ
    Yuri Brute
  6. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This...looks...SEXY! I know im going to have fun on this map, me and my friends always hide on your maps and then invite a random person and scare them... Ha. I really dont understand how to get to place to place on this map but thats the fun part about it ;)
  7. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    Very nice map. Its like you included everyting little to make the map more interesting with game changing gameplay including the sneak hole and the sniper window. Looks fun and entertaining with lots of friends.
    Also great merging and interlocking :)
  8. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    This is very amazing.... I finded teh goodie... cans i haz cheesburger?

    i vote we have some slayer on this hizay right now please
  9. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah- this map was just supposed to be a little treat for my fans out there- hope you guys like it ^^
  10. jakesam7

    jakesam7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You never cease to amaze me! I have all your maps, and I am about to download this one. Also, can you give me some forging lessons, I have a map that i'm thinking about posting, and I wanted your opinion. Once again great map!

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