Modern Warfare II: Special Ops Going for that 69 Star achievement? Or just want to have fun and accomplish Spec Ops as well? You've come to the right place. Get help, offer help, etc. In this thread you can post tactics, discuss Special Ops levels, or get help and give help on missions. ~ FORM: Gamertag: Need help/give help: Mission(s): Other: ~ I still need Wetwork and some others. My gamertag: LoIIerskates. I can help with most missions. Feel free to add me. Hopefully this will help you get that 69th star! ;D Having Trouble? Visit this YouTube channel for extensive guides on Spec Ops.
Gamertag:I_Aaronator_I Need help/give help:Both Mission(s):Almost all Other: Yeah I did campaign then did a little spec ops then went straight to the multiplayer. but if you need help on anything i can help just send me an invite.
Anybody know how Armor Piercing is done? It seems okay, but once we are facing off against 3 juggernaughts its ridiculous... I have that and Snatch and Grab left, if anyone wants to do them with me hit me up.
@Agamer: Lolk. @Matty: There is a perch up a ladder once you reach first outside floor of the oil rig. It's got a Dragunov and an ammo refill crate by it. You'll want a Barrett though and your partner the Intervention. They will come running around the corner down the hallway type thing and you pick em off. Hit em a lot and they bend over. If it seems none are coming just shoot a few Thumper rounds by where the fence is.
High Explosives you mean? I did it alone, just make a big circuit around the outside, stopping at the two ammo crates. From there you just have to hope for good spawns. The most important part is to not stay in one place once you get past the first one. Also Diz, try doing Wetwork by yourself. When you have a teammate it's really easy to shoot a civilian during the last breach. I tried it with a friend a few times and every time we made it to the last door, we lost. But I tried it again alone and did it in one go, although it took me 26 minutes to do it.
I'll try it alone a few times. Maybe. And Matty, on High Explosives, there is a "cheating" way to get it with 2 people/2 controllers. If you hide in the house with three rooms to the right of where you spawn, there is a back room where your partner should lay down in, behind a dresser. You should stand in the doorway. They come in close, and you knife them until you are downed with no weapons. If I find another easy way I'll update you. YouTube- Modern Warfare 2: High Explosive Veteran Guide Video.
This should be a general MW2 multiplayer thread, including achievement/challenge/competitive/custom games instead of just Special Ops. Right?