Foundry Flip Device

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by pinkyandthesheep, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. pinkyandthesheep

    Senior Member

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    I was making this map called Hog Arena and well honestly I was just messing around and made this little thing at the top of Foundry. It turned out to be pretty cool. I made made this quite a while ago and never thought of sharing it. Basically all it is a trick with the shield door, you go into a open double box and you do a flip and land on your wheels and can drive off. Sometimes things can go wrong but usually things go pretty smoothly.
    Hope you enjoy.


    Up the tunnel [​IMG]

    Across the way.

    This part can be tricky. Just try to straighten your self out in between the shield doors by driving forward.

    Once you get to the very top of the tunnel stop for a second and then drive full speed towards the bottom.

    You will hit the first shield door and that SHOULD start flipping you.[​IMG]

    The flip

    You should hopefully hit the other shield door and start flipping the other way.

    Hit the ground and drive off :]

    Here is the DL link : Halo 3 File Details

    Sometimes the flip doesn't always work but keep trying it. The first shield door part can be tricky which can mess you up because you don't get enough speed going into the tunnel. But most of the time it works.
    This is a rather pointless map, but oh well. It's kinda fun.
  2. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    Well i do like sheild doors but this map does seem a little pointless try encorperating this into a race map =) that would be cool
  3. pinkyandthesheep

    Senior Member

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    Yeah that map is pretty much pointless haha
    I was actually thinking about putting into some kind of race track.
    Thanks for the suggestion though :]
  4. o aeonic o

    o aeonic o Ancient
    Senior Member

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    im down to help with a track around it but with mongooses
  5. R3im1nAtoR

    R3im1nAtoR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm sorry, but this is REALLY messy. You might want to fix it up a bit so it looks a lot more visually appealing.
  6. pinkyandthesheep

    Senior Member

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    I know :S I made most of this a long time ago, when I wasn't very good at forging...
    Actually all of it, except for some of the merging with the walls.
    I can do a version 2, I just didn't want to mess up the actually shield door part, because I wasn't sure if I could recreate it.

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