I have made this and will be updating it every day or two. This is a Halo Image compendium. Made for any Halo Images needed on any Message Board. Here are the links and previews. All you have to do is take the link and use the images you want. Halo3 Gametypes Spoiler In this album I have added all the Halo3 gametypes. Halo3 Map Variants Spoiler In this album I have added all 24 Halo3 Map pictures that appear on bungie.net and signify your maps canvas. Halo3 Weapons Detailed Spoiler In this album I have all the Halo3 Weapons, Vehicles, Power Ups, Equipment, and Grenades. Halo3 Weapons Blue Spoiler In this album I have all the Halo3 Weapons, Vehicles, Power Ups, Equipment, and Grenades. Halo3 Ranks Spoiler In this album I have added all the Halo3 Ranks from matchmaking. Halo3 Armor Permutations Spoiler In this album I have assembled all the Halo3 Armor Permutations in their standard from. If there is a Mark VI armor on any part it is because there is no other armor from the set to go on that part. ODST Opponents Spoiler In this Album I have compiled all the HAlo3: ODST Opponents you face in both FireFight and Campaign. ODST Weapons Spoiler In this Album I have compiled all the Halo3: ODST Weapons from the Auto-Mag to the Scarab. ODST Medals Spoiler In this Album I have compiled all the Halo3: ODST gameplay medals. ODST Characters Spoiler In this album I have assembled all the Halo3: ODST playable Characters from Johnson to the Rookie. This set currently contains 288 Images. Master List Thanks for viewing. If you have any suggestions for other images please add them in your reply.
That's awesome, I've always wanted to use these in my posts but have never been able to. This obviously took some time to do, and I thank you!
Thanks for the praise guys. It did not take horribly long, just spread over the last week a bit here a bit there. I thanks Halowiki and and BNET for the images in groups.
Wow this is very helpful for anyone who needs picutres of these in their posts. Thanks for making this thread. Im definately going to be using these in the future.
Adding this to the important links section in the asset thread, the ODST pictures could come in handy when posting the maps.
If anyone can Find me one, I cannot find one and have looked for 40 minutes. If you find me one I will be greatful,
First off, don't take this as a strike down of your offer, but the image quality of these are horrible. I know you just right clicked the image and saved it..because I know how to get all of these, but it'd be 20x better if you actually removed all of the black around them and made them smooth and not choppy around the edges. Though for people who don't care about the quality then its good. Nice work.
Not a mention at all in there for me stealth? Ah whatever, if you guys really want I can do a bit of a better job rendering the pictures, and sorry for the sloppy flare, if I get you a bettter looking one could you replace it stealth?