I remember that conquest map Can't wait until you release it. You already know me though but welcome to forgehub anyway. What kind of stuff do you vandalize?
No you can't be joking. Vandalism is the best hobby ever as long as you don't get caught. Hi again. No more posts for me here.
yay vandalizing you know i dont tell anyone this but sometimes when i take a dump i whip out a sharipie and draw on the seat (lolz)
Glad to see it is official your a member here at Forgehub. I only just meet you a few days ago, glad that your active in both the forgediscussion as well testing others maps. I hope this will continue as well we had many more new members like you. Your first map is very creative, I told you this when we first meet up in forge. I also feel that you have a ton of potential in creating gametypes stick with it you'll find something in gametypes I can tell. Happy Forging, G043R
Were you in a testing game with me before? I distinctly remember your name... Anyways, welcome to forgehub and enjoy your stay. btw... I like your sig
Thanks G043R, i plan to stay active here, and hopefully make some good gametypes, i think im almost finished with the one bomb Yeah, i was with you in a testing session rifte, and thanks, i think my sig is aweesome too
Hey, I've tested your map, Tunnel Trouble, and hopefully I will test more in the future. Let me know if you want to play sometime. Welcome to ForgeHub!