Okay the topic title is pretty random but oh well. I am Cameron, from England and 15 years old going on 16; call me Comis or Cameron, I really don't mind either way. Comis is not a nickname or anything, it was just random coming from the word "Comet". I have been forging my own maps for a while and picked up a few techniques, but I'm not amazing. I aspire to be as technically good at forging and map design as others I have seen when browsing these forums and I hope since joining these forums, my forging abilities will start spiralling (upwards) so I can become one of the best (very unlikely). Away from gaming, I have been interested in architectural design for a long time, particularly interested in being involved in making ultra modern buildings, public places and landmarks. Overall, I am only put off being an Architect due to the long University course (7 years) in comparison to the average annual salary. You will probably see me commenting on nearly all Forge Map releases, as I love to download, try out and give my opinions of all maps (except Infection maps; I seem to have a phobia for them). I am currently working on one project (more details here). I will not be posting any of my previous maps due to the fact my older maps do not reflect my current abilities, and my recent maps (since I bought ODST) have encountered problems either in reaching object limits or not being exactly the most fun to play (however I have learnt from these mistakes). Hopefully, this forum will give me two steps forwards, without any steps back. <-- [I know that hardly makes sense but you get the idea] Happy Forging Forgers .
Alright, nice to meet you Comis...I like your High Ground idea, and it seems to work if you pull it off. Make sure you read all the rules to posting maps but you seem to know what you're doing. Start off your journey here at FH with a clean reputation, that means: no spam or unnecessary comments. Good to meet you!
I don't normally respond to introduction threads but you seem to be a fairly nice guy. Welcome to Forgehub, if you hang around enough I really believe you will become a better forger, without a doubt :] Enjoy your stay.
welcome to Forge Hub. the maps a good idea and if your running out of objects read up on some of the techniques and you may find something to help you
Welcome. You make a good intro, hope to see you around. When you do download all those maps (good luck on that, haha), make sure you give a good opinion that helps him instead of a "pretty good 5/5". Fewer, but more thought out, comments are much better than many spur-of-the-moment comments.
Welcome to FH mate, good to see another Brit join us. Like everyone said, stick to the rules and you'll do fine. You'll definitely improve if you hang around for a decent amount of time, I certainly have. Hope to see you posting!
We're always glad to welcome new members to the hub, especially respectable ones such as yourself that seem to already know their way around. If you are looking for more techniques make sure you learn to ghost merge..though our official guide isn't available yet, there are quite a few topics about the forum. It will allow your creativity fly. As for the architect dreams: it sounds like a pretty cool route to go, but don't be thrown off by 7 more years of school. University is nothing at all like highschool and you'll be having a great time for at least those first four haha. Besides that, most career choices you take require further education after your undergraduate, so you really can't do much with a four year program. Anyway best of luck to you, and hope to see you around the site. Maybe if we see you enough doing good things, we might throw a purple name your way
Welcome comis, Seems like you got a good level head on your shoulder. I seen the map your working on. You got a wonderful task ahead of you. Be sure to finish it and do the best you can on it. If you run into trouble call one of us or ask us generally we will be helpful to give you a hand. If your ever in question of something even just private message me. PS don't give into peer pressure, racetracks are for nubs.
lots of 15 year olds on this site (including me) welcome, enjoy your stay, dont feed the trolls and keep it clean (haha no **** that) also phenominal why are you first on like every single thread?!