So i am currently working on an asset map on sandtrap that involves driving the elephant around the circumference of sandtrap. At the end the asset jumps on top of the elephant and jumps up to the destination. There are some things that will be unique about this such as the fact that im combining escort and holdout. The other thing im introducing to asset via this map is the gatherer class. The gatherer is 2 people on a mongoose that goes ahead of the asset to scavenge the map for trip mines and extra grenades. The gatherer will stop at what i like to call gatherer terminals which have 2 frag grenades and a trip mine. Now for the issues that the current asset gametype give me. -due to the fact that you must be near the asset to drive a vehicle the gatherer cant work -due to the same fact the asset must stay with the elephant driver just so that he can drive Here are my plans for a modified version of the asset gametype. -all players can drive vehicles no matter how close to the asset they are - lengthened time so that the odsts can make it all the way around the map Please leave feedback telling me what you think about the modified gametype and how it will affect gameplay.
I would suggest making it where only the asset can drive the elephant, and not people around him, and cant the asset leave? oh well, youll have to figure that out once you start your map, and didnt you just post a topic similar to this?
sounds cool and i can see your dellema with the driving and i think you kinda fixed it but then cant the vip just drive to his destination? (not in the elephant)
No because the destination is so high up you need to jump on the elephant to get there edit yes I posted a topic about the same map but this is more about the gametype. And if the asset was driving he would be invincible
Sounds like it might be fun. Having everybody be able to drive will work. Even if an ODST manages to grab a Chopper or something he won't last long because he will be away from the asset.
1. Don't modify the gametype, Rifte has put hard work into it, and changing it means people would have to DL your gametype just to play your map. 2. Why would you have ODST driving a mongoose to destroy tripmines when the elephant is being driven ensuring no damage to come from tripmines? 3. If you have ODST driving around the map then they can easily go to the covenant to kill and ruin gameplay, while asset is set up for covenant to come to you. 4. I'm sorry but it just doesn't sound like a very good idea. You are trying to make too much, just have it so all Humans are on elephant while covenant try to destroy, and if you do'nt have enough time to get all the way around then make it halfway so humans can take left route or right. Don't complicate things.
I dont really mind if people make a spin off of Asset, so long as I get some credit for gametype and what not. Its like spin offs of conquest, when someone makes a popular gametypes, spin-offs are bound to happen (Im working on one right now actually)
How long does it take to drive to the Phantom? I'm rather interested in getting a picture up date lucky (mind if i call you lucky). (do that in your Original thread) And you could have PM him about it, it is fine you didn't think of it but it would have been better to talk to rife about it.
Make the asset speed 25% so staying in the elephant is faster than walking, you might replace the gathering thing with weapons and equpiment that spawn along the elephant path so its picked up along the way. Giving a few people fast vehicles is usually bad because these people simply desert the "package" (imagine banshees guarding the elephant).