Mechassault 2. Remember?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Plasma Rifle Elite, Nov 22, 2009.

  1. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Does anybody remember Mechassault 2 Lone Wolf?

    It was made back in 2004 for xbox only, and had massive 30-60 foot tall steel robots (called mechs) owning each other with missiles, lasers, and machine guns. Here's epic pictures of some now. Remember, there are alot more mechs then these four:

    First up is the Star Adder, one of the meanest mechs ever made. It wasn't very fast, and wasn't heavily armored, but it was 100 tons of pure, destructive firepower.

    Star Adder

    Next is the Nova Cat. This mech was heavily armored, relatively fast, and dished out heavy damge, but not nearly as much as the Star Adder.

    Nova Cat

    Then the Raptor. This mech was fast and deadly, and could use Active Camouflage to turn invisible. This mech also featured jumpjets.


    Last is the Hackman. The fastest mech of all, this mech could turn invisible to carry out speedy, stealthy scout operations.


    Keep in mind, each of these massive hunks of steel had a pilot inside. Also, when you breached a mech's reactor, it made a hell of a bang when it went off.

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention an epic glitch never before seen in Mechassault 2. I found it a few days ago. You should probably have Mechassault 2 with you if you read this, because otherwise it's boring. Here is the epic glitch.

    Everyone knows the Cougar mech. A small light-class mech featuring jumpjets, it was recently remade in Forge, though alot bigger than the original. This is done on the level Signs Of Life, when you have to rescue the crashed dropship's survivor. Anyhow, this glitch lets you fly a Cougar to unlimited heights! Normally, a mech has a certain barrier it can't fly over, an invisible wall you reach when your jumpjet fuel is still half-full. This glitch voids the barrier, letting you fly so high the ground disappears! Here's how to do it.

    As normal, on Signs Of Life, you must use your Battlearmor to destroy or Hack the first scout mech. After you destroy it, head over to the ship in the harbor, and use your BattleArmor's Pulse Laser to destroy the Laser Turret mounted on the ship. If all goes well, the enemy Cougar mech standing on the ship's deck should still be standing there. Then, jumpjet over to the ship and grab the Cougar's back as fast as possible. The Cougar will try to jump to land, but you have to Hack it fast enough so that the now-pilotless Cougar lands in the water. If it lands on the shore, you have to try again. Hop inside the mech, and you will have an Uber-Cougar that flies super-high! It is a great ice-breaker at parties! lolz

    By the way, if anybody likes the Mechassault 2 theme song, it's Getting Away With Murder by Papa Roach.

    Well, that concludes this! I'm making a life-sized Star Adder in Forge, and it will be my Christmas present to Forgehub! I hope you like giant steel robots for Xmas!
    #1 Plasma Rifle Elite, Nov 22, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2009
  2. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Holy crap I loved that game. I don't know what happened to it though I think it got stolen ):
  3. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Yeah yeah i remember Lone Wolf... Wasn't there like a exo-skeleton type thing too?

    EDIT: First!

    EDIT EDIT: Dammit Dow! I hate you
    #3 GR4V3mind117, Nov 22, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2009
  4. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    dude the vehicles on this game were my favorite part-tanks, VTOLs. This was like the first game I ever played on Live before Halo.
  5. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Yeah, there was the BattleArmor and the Elemental suit.
  6. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I used to love this game. MA1 was good too
  7. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Never liked it that much. The first mechassault was so much better. I still have it. Don't have an xbox though so I can't play it but someday I will get one.
  8. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    Nova cat looks like a ****ing boss.
  9. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    DimmestBread- Mechassault 2 plays on Xbox 360!
    Shedo- Nova Cat IS a ****ing boss, it features twin Machine Guns and the most Heavy Lasers ever crammed into a mech!

    My Star Adder remake is epic, it's waist and legs are almost done, but it's already tall or taller than 10 Spartans! It really looks epic, i'll release it December 24th, for Xmas.
    #9 Plasma Rifle Elite, Nov 23, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2009
  10. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Very true but Lone Wolf did add some cool things.

    OT: Unfortuanetly, you showed the wrong mechs.

    Meet Mad Cat.
    Mad Cat will **** your **** up with twin rocket launchers, twin machine guns and twin Plasma Cannons. Don't even bother with rockets 'cause it's flares will make that obsolete.

    This is Ragnarok.
    Ragnarok loves to take long walks on the battlefield while deflecting all your shots with his shield. While doing this, he loves to fire Magma at the enemies, Launching rockets at you and using his mini-MAC to knock any hope of survival out of you.

    There are other mechs of course that are too badass to give full credit to, namely Atlas, Catapult and Hellbringer and Puma but you get that those two are my favorites. <3

    But seriously, Mad Cat>All other mechs.
  11. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    MA 1 and 2 both sucked. They just ruined the mechwarrrior series. They were both just dull and boring and seemed like they were made to use the MW series as money on a new platform.

    Every single Mechwarrior game were incredibly better than these two. Can't wait for MW5 :O
  12. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    I decided not to mention certain mechs due to fuzzy pictures: the ones in my post are not fuzzy at all. I also mentioned in my post that there were many more mechs that I didn't mention. Plus those look like shots from Mechassault 1.
    #12 Plasma Rifle Elite, Nov 25, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2009
  13. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    Now i want this game it looks badass. but it is also old and that makes me too lazy to buy it lolz
  14. FailusMunch

    FailusMunch Ancient
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    I remember using this to softmod xbox1 and nothing else.
  15. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Don't be lazy, I picked up a Mechassault 2 Limited Edition copy for only 5 (canadian) dollars!
  16. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    I LOVED THAT GAME. I still have it, but no one plays it on XBOX LIVE. Well, the occasional ONE person is on, but otherwise, not much.
  17. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Mad Cat was SO Awesome... I actually have a Knex statue of him in my room. As well, I'm looking at Mechwarrior 3 and 4, plus expansions, sitting on their shelf beside me.

  18. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Problem is, it's only on PC. I bet that when the mechwarrior/mechassault series went permanently to PC, they lost a lot of potential buyers. I'm glad thet Mechwarrior 5 is coming out for 360!

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