Map Title: Cannon Attack Download Map Download Gametype Description: After playing a game of matchmaking on Avalanche i thought that it would be a good idea to put a base at each ends of the man cannon cave,seeing as i did this on Construct. i was orginally going to call it Mini CTF v2. but i decided that Cannon Attack was better. Each base has the main man cannon plus two secondary cannons. The Red Base Red Base Man Cannons The Blue Base Blue Base Man Cannons The Only Way Across to The Other Base
This looks like an interesting map. I'm downloading it now. I'll let you know what I think in a few hours.
it looks like all u did was add man cannons, a shield door to lock it off and some weapons. wuts the point of the separate man cannons
Nice idea, but you could have added something more unique than just seperate man cannons, when you already have one anyway.
Although I want to be nice, I have to say I won't download this if it's just Avalanche with shield doors and man cannons.
A great map doesnt have to take a lot of work. Lookk at Vertigo or Tunnel Raid. This map has a similar concept to it. This looks like a fun ma if you maybe expand and make the bases a little bigger. And maybe post an equipment a weapons list also. Ill DL and come back to you.
Looks...Can...Be...Deceiving... I've played a lot of blocked off maps, but this looks pretty interesting because of the Man cannons. Although it didn't look like he had to do much, the basic design of it is simple enough that the gameplay will flow by itself.
thanks for all of the feedback. and just to let people the reason i put in extra man cannons was to keep everyone from going off the same one, this way it seperates people. and i know that there isn't much to the map, truth be told i didn't have to do much because it was already pretty much set up for me i just needed to add a few things.
This map looks VERY simple, but i think it would be fun for 1 v 1 or 2 v 2, or something, kindof to simple though...
Most people think its pointless but I think it could be fun. He added more Mancannons(Dunno if anyone said this) so that there is more than 1 cannon over because everyone trying to go through 1 would result in people beating eachother mid air and falling to there death.
Obviously a very simple map at this point. If you haven't noticed, there is a pretty large amount of space of to the sides of each mancannons that could be put to use for alternate paths or to be used as extra defenses for each team. I think that it would be relatively easy to score the flag on the map as it remains now, but maybe if you expand the bases to the outside a bit and add a bit more substance to the map this will be really fun to play.
Here it goes.. Ok : I passed by the gametype accidentally, but I played slayer on the map and it wasn't too bad. I think that the snipers should be taken off and replaced with something else like plasma rifles or brute shots. Also, some platforms could be placed in the middle of the six man-cannons for the people who go on the man-cannons at the same time. They could have limited space from there and either kill or be killed. Other than that, I think the map is good. ~Hope I helped!~
I Dl it and yes it was very simple. I myself put a snipers post goin to the side of each base. I played on your version with a 3v3 and it worked quite well. Dont go over that limit though. It was great to play on a small scale CTF game.