Very nice track... spectacular for being your second one! Amazing idea to put it around the guardian tower and the track is nice and smooth too. It's a little rough right after the finish line but it's no biggy. Great feature.
Just a heads up stoyben, if you read this, you spelled guardian wrong in the map description. No biggie. Anyway I think doing it around the guardian is a great idea! I can't wait to download and play this soon.
I remember seeing this when it first came out and i dl'ed it. Congrats on the feature, the feel of racing around a Super Powerful Weapon that can kill u in one hit is totally awesome. once again, congrats on the feature
Pardon my French but this is the most CrAzYaSs racing map i have seen. When i first saw it on the "recent maps", i knew that it was going to be a feature! 100/100
This is the greatest forged halo track I have ever raced. I downloaded this about a week ago, and I make sure to race on it with my friends at least once a night. The curves and aesthetics of this map are great. It's just one smooth ride from start to finish. Nice work!!
awesome map. really, quite superb. try rocket race on this map if you can get 8 people together. its insane
I like your creativity , the way you put the race track going around the tower was truly amazing. I do not however think it is all to original, but it is very smooth and a very nice map. 8/10
Wow this map is amazing! I can tell you spent a lot of time making sure the track looked good, played good, and was forged good. The track was smooth, and had a unique look to it from far away. All of the twists and curves however weren't very unique, but I don't mind.
Yeah, this really is a good track, but imo, the only thing different here than the other good tracks, is the fact that it surrounds the Guardian tower. Thats really the only thing original thing I see here. Nevertheless, good job on a smooth track and gratz on the feature.
sick! damn im file sharin that now! great work that looks fun! if you don't already have it, download QUANTUM. It's super cool.