I'm guessing you didn't make this then but that was actually really good. The music (even though I'm not a big Owl City fan) actually fit the video and the gameplay was really good yet humorous at times. Nice vid! EDIT:Oh now I see that PoisonousSlinky made it, nvm.
Saw this a couple days ago. God bless who ever created the happauge. Great quality and nice syncing. i love teh chill tages.
I was impressed by the editing, but the gameplay was just plain awful. Most of the overkills were on people standing still and there was one play some guest was running at him across the map gunning his AR like there was no tomorrow.
I mean its no dualtality thats for sure but come on ace. Its not THAT bad. I mean all of kampys stuff is on the same kind of people. I mean this is coming from the person that . Lawl. It are chill tage. Do not require MLG 50 pro 1337 gameplay.
Well seeing as I play MLG maybe once a month It just seemed not so great to me... which is also why I don't like Apex.
I see what you did THAR. Haha. Yea. Apex wasn't the greatest either. i agree. everyone was just liek...OMg Kameh arr teh 1337 pwnz0rz cuz heh doez deh multi team. KILLIONAIRE OMG OMG *orgasm*. and ace...
Ha, enough talking about how good the people in the video were, its just meant to be something to sit back and relax to. Although owl city! Thats in way too many montages these days
Lame-o i get exterminationz all day (sarcasem) no really this guys pretty good. Not diggen the music choice tho actually HATING it and muted its just not the same so ill give it 3/5