I am crazy in love with this pic but I don't know how to do the effect. Could I get some help? Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
The cracks are probably from a Power Drain. Colorblind FX. Not very sure about making it black and white (instead of grey and white from FX)
O I no this guy, I can ask him but I'm guessing it's something really crazy. I say power drain for cracks, smoke room with a firebomb And a power drain and some FXs(black n white)
Wow orange that was really... Indepth how do you know this?! That was like a sixth sense status guess
I'm Guessing it's that all black room in orbital with a black and white effect that ups the threshold alot and then throwing down some kind of light source then for the "cracks" or lighting a power drain.
Well @monitor, it is on long shore. @farbeef, the only good screenshot place to get this screenshot on longshore would be the smoke room, what happens in their is when you throw nades they sit for about 3 seconds making tons of smoke which is where i got that. he had a screenshot a while ago with a similar effect which i recall being power drain or flare and firebomb on avalanche's black room. ill PM him
Just so you know, screenshot rooms aren't really necessary to do effects like this. Also, I now know how to do this, but it might be tough to explain. There is a corner of flat, ground-level floor on the defender's side of Longshore, near the sniper, next to the gravlift room. It's a small flat area of ground to the left that is right beside those jump-up boxes that lead boxes. On it, there are cracks that are very, very faint. First, you need to float a double box and a door over the area, so that a dark shadow is cast over the cracks on the ground. Using B+W FX, an active camo'd Spartan, and a flare, this effect will be created.