Your Opinion on MW2 Party Chat Restriction?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Juggernaut, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I've got my own opinion which completely disagrees with this stupid restriction. Sure, in party chat people can point out enemy positions, blah blah blah. I don't care. I've got friends on other games that I would like to talk to, that I pay money to be able to party chat with, and now I can't when playing this game? It's a crock of bull. Just because people will cheat and such, woopie. I could give less of a crap if someone tells someone else where I shot them from, I want to be able to talk to my friends in other games and in this game. It's not like everyone on XBL is "Pro" or MLG. Anyways, that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. I want to see who agrees and who doesn't.
  2. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    hmm I agree, but you have some thngs mistaken.

    The point of game chat is so you DO work together as a team. The only way it makes things irritating is if you are playing by yourself and not a large group of friends. If you want to stay in your party then you join the team deathmatch with random teams. I agree with you though that it is really stupid that we can't talk with our friends while playing it.
    #2 Spawn of Saltine, Nov 23, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2009
  3. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I love the restriction!

    Now if you have a mic you can be sure to talk to anyone else in the game, assuming they have mics. I think it got a little ridiculous in halo matchmaking when EVERYONE but you was in a party.
  4. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
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    I hate the restriction. The vast majority of people that I have come across are loud and obnoxious, so I end up muting everyone when I join a game.

    BTW you can still use private chat although that's only good for two people.
  5. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Do you know how many Hardcore Search and Destroy games I've lost through the use of a traitor pointing out our positions? I was in a good spot, and then some random guy pops out and snipes me from across the map.
  6. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I agree with it for games like SnD and objective games... But not TDM, No one uses teamwork in that anyways so it wouldn't even matter. But it has won me a few, and lost me a few(I resorted to party chat to save my ears from the 6 year old screamers)
    So it's not good nor bad, more of a neutral feature.
  7. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    It's got to go. At least restrict it for snd because that was the only good that came from this. I just can't stand the ignorant, obnoxious, disgusting, racist people over xbl that never stfu and when you try to talk they spew derogatory terms at you thinking they are cool on xbl. I also want to talk to my friends too without playing the 3 non restricted playlists.

    Until the restriction is lifted, it's just ground war and 3rd person for me.
  8. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I see the point of it all, but it seems the only people who agree with the restrictions don't have friends to talk to..

    I was always in a party during matchmaking on Halo. I might not be helping my team, but **** it.
  9. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    You know what I think, I think all these Modern Warfare 2 threads are getting ridiculous.

    That and why would you play Search and Destroy by yourself? Sure you might have friends playing other games but I'm sure they'll live through the minor inconvenience.
  10. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Call of Duty has one of the worst online communities I've ever experienced.
    In Modern Warfare I escaped the obnoxious dribble and general degradations of human dignity by talking to friend's in party chats.
    In Modern Warfare 2 I can no longer do such.
    Now I have to go and mute the bastards, but I rarely get to it before they announce to the entire lobby how pathetic they really are.
    I'm not very approving.
  11. The Jewker7244

    The Jewker7244 Ancient
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    that was the only reason i didnt get the game. i was going to buy it but i heard about the party restrictions and said im getting l4d2 i actually like to talk to people
  12. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I don't play anything except for Ground War anyways, so it doesn't bother me.

    And if I don' play Ground War, I normally have a group of 4-8 people and we get to stick to the same team... So yeah.
  13. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    I think the main problem with this restriction is that 5 times out of 10 youll go into a match and all the people on your team don't have mics anyway. So theres no point to banning your party chat and you're just being clusterfucked because the game is making you lose possibly never to happen again moments with your friends.

    I also think that this shows infinity ward is a bunch of guys with no friends that sit on their ass all day trying to piss of treyarch with their better sales over and over.
  14. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Well, I agree with most about the statement about SnD, but I'm not much of a SnD player. I agree, for those hardcore playlists they should be able to restrict it seeing how most people play with their friends or clans in those playlists. In team deathmatch, all of my MW2 friends aren't usually on, but I guess I don't mind the "feature" (I'd rather call it a restriction) until the other team is full of screamers that make my ears bleed as soon as I enter the pregame lobby. I agree with most that the MW2 community is worse or similar to most of the Halo community. Both have their players that are pretty inconsiderate to others.

    I pretty much want to avoid those people by using the party chat.
  15. used man

    used man Ancient
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    I completely agree. the restriction is poorly thought out and really frustrating for many people. I really might not buy the game only because of this. I really hope they do something about this before the holidays :/
    #15 used man, Nov 24, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2009
  16. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Well everyone that disagrees with the restriction needs to learn how to adapt. I mean honestly ask Insane or Roche on how to adapt to having to talk to gangsters from PA or from NY.
  17. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    I personally love the restrictions. It makes it to where you actually have people to talk to and a team to communicate with unlike all the other games that allow it. In games like Halo 3 and previous COD's everyone was always in party chat so you wouldn't be able to talk to them thus ruining the entire idea of online gaming IMO.
  18. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    You pretty summed up my thoughts on this chat restriction. Other than what you said, I always tend to start a party with my friends or join one of my friends, so I still don't see how this is a big deal, because I still get to talk to them. Plus, there's party chat in a couple of playlists including Ground War, so that also is a bonus.

    I also, really don't care to use the party chat to talk to other people who aren't playing MW2 because mostly all of my good friends own it already and usually play it all the time, or at least when I'm on. If I really had to talk to one single person who isn't playing MW2, I could send them a Private Chat.
  19. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Pretty much this.

    Since you guys are all trying to be social with your friends as one of you said, you are being anti-social. Pretty ironic if you ask me.

    So, getting rid of party chat has more positives then negatives.
  20. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    i dont have a mic, but i still like being in party chat to shut the people who scream and crap up without having to go and mute everybody.

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