Arguably the best shooter to date, PD is coming back in all it's glory to 360 soon. I've been following as much of this as I could and the release, though unannounced, seems to be end of December, possibly January. There isn't too much media but the took original game and added online multiplayer both in the deathmatch style variants and co-op campaign. The game is also HD now. There are a bunch more here as well as some comparisons to show the 64 graphics against the 360 graphics. It's looking sexy, but the Skedar are waay less cute in this game haha
is this a joke or serious? I can see the game being great. and Matty's sarcasm doesn't help, but the pictures you posted are "HD"
No it's serious lol and I'm completely ****ing stoked for it | Perfect Dark - Game Detail Page
I understand. I felt like this towards this pool iPod app that i got. I went crazy like "oh my god! 9-ball" and i'v been playing pool for weeks during bus journeys and stuff. Time of my life i tell ya.
I honestly prefer PD, though since they did upgrade PD, xbl compatible Goldeneye would be ****ing sexy
either way im getting PD. Hopefully they do make it. 007 mode and gameshark for that game was so fun. 007 modes level mod feature was so fun and the gameshark cheats could make your own characters. regular cheats were still great like paintball dk mode enemys have 2x rockets all weapons allowing unusable weapons like a taser and shooting tank missles out of your head etc. it was also fun to watch as you would shoot anything like a chair and it would explode
OHMYFUCKINGGAWD I loved this game! I loved this one more than GoldenEye 007. This game was beast for the N64.
I hope so badly that it feels the same. I know we'll be playing with dual analogs but PDZ just felt way too different (on top of it was crap). I'm crazy excited to play online against other people. I was hardcore back in the day.
Heh, cool to see high resolution textures in a old game. Reminds me of this a lot: YouTube- Zelda Ocarina of Time - Original vs Federelli's Hi-Res w/ Shaders