So basically Shepard went mad and was angry with himself for letting 30,000 troops die, causing just about that amount(soldiers+civilians) to die just to make up for it? What a prick...
Shepherd is angry that the world didn't care when all those American soldiers were killed. The world expects Americans to rush in an help them, but provide no help to them. So Shepherd manufactures this war so that first people will feel bad for Americans, and second he would become the hero of America.
Pvt. Allen is recruited by Shepard to infiltrate Makarov's operation. Makarov, being one of Zhakaev's lieutenants, leads the mission "No Russian" on a Russian Airport. He kills Allen in the airport and leaves his body to make it look like it was an American attack. The Russians are infuriated and lead an all out attack on America. Soap and Roach were earlier sent to retrieve an ACS module with American national defense intelligence from Russian hands. They do retrieve the module, but it turns out it had already been cracked by the Russians, and they use the intelligence to launch there surprise attack on America. Meanwhile, TF 141 recieved intelligence that Makarov's most hated enemy is in a prison in Gulag and go to rescue him to use him as bait to expose Makarov. It turns out to be Price, and he is briefed on what is happening in the US. He takes command of the attending TF 141 who was sent to rescue them and leads them on an attack to hijack a Russian submarine with an EMP nuke. Price fire the nuke towards America, but rigs it to explode in the upper atmosphere so that all Russian and American electronics are put offline. This give the US the upperhand, but destroys an American space station in the process. Shepard then sends TF 141 to two locations to try and find Makarov. Roach and Ghost find information that links Makarov to the airport mass murders. Shepard then kills Roach and Ghost so that he can obtain several things: 1. He can get rid of all witnesses who know that he sent Allen as an undercover agent 2. He can become the hero who found out Makarov 3. He could use the evidence to launch an all out, world wide attack on Russia get revenge for the nuke that killed 30,000 of his soldiers several years ago. That's basically the gist of the story.
Roach and ghost never found anything that linked Sheperd to the airport attack. They were going to give the intel right to sheperd anyway. He was planning to kill them from the start. But Price did apparently find something out, when you are on the ground about to be cremated Ghost's radio is on and Price urgently says something along the lines of "don't trust Sheperd".
Fixed* __________________________________________________ All the arguments about the MW2 story are easily confusing. I just wish Infinity Ward would explain the story on their site furthermore. Forgive me for not knowing if the answer is obvious, but why was Captain Price in the Gulag (prison) in the first place? The story ended beautifully just like a 5-star movie, in my personal opinion. Although the story does have its complications, I look forward to the next game. The third game. Modern Warfare 3.
I was just playing the last level and was wondering how soap crawled to the pistol with that knife in his stomach.
TF141 knew absolutly everything. Price and Soap obviously found something that made it obvious as to what Sheperd was doing. Ghost and Roach probably had some incriminating evidence on shperd as well but they never had the time to look over the info. If you recall they were being attacked almost immediatly. When was the last time you saw Price in MW1? It was when he was being taken away in a helecopter. Was the helicopter allied? It wasn't. It was Russian. Sure Kamarov was friendly to the SAS but obviously he cared more about his own gains as seen the first time you meet him ever. It wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination to think that the Russians would say that Price died. Or anything like that. The story is clear. I don't see any massive plot holes that Hop is talking about. The only part in the game that I don't understand is when Romirez and squad are asked to check out a house. I don't understand anything about that part or was it explained in the following cutscene 'cause I missed that. Clearly, you really weren't paying attention to the game and kind of just nodding along with the cutscenes instead of actually listening to it. First of all, the CIA agent is asked for intelligence gathering, not assassination and since Sheperd plays it like Makarov only wants money instead of fighting for a flag or idea or anything, the mission is crystal clear. Allen was supposed to find out who hired Makarov to do whatever Sheperd was saying would cost a lot of lives. 2. Russia invaded the Us because Allen is american and was found at the scene of a massive massacre of russian people n their own land. Since there were 4 people on the attack, this makes it out to be an act of war from the US. 3. The ACS module. Remember it? Yeah, that was cracked. The US was blind to any Russian activity before it happened. Not to mention that the operators were quite arrogant as to believe that the lower system was failing as opposed to the higher system. Together, the US had no chance to fight off the fist attack.
Actually i remember a Russian militant trying to revive Price and failing. It could be that they left him behind, but they were the good guys, so it is unexplainable how he ended up in a prison. At the end of MW1 the western forces thought it was all over, but Zackhaev was hailed as a hero and ultranationalists took over, so perhaps Price was in care with the 'good'russians in their country, and was found by the ultranationalists. I also don't believe there was anything incriminating to Shephard on that hard drive. He had a clear goal, and that was to claim victory at the last moment. Up until this point he had not broken the rules, so theres no reason to assume he could be incriminated. For all we know his motive may not have been pushed to it's extreme until Virginia was attacked. Also he hated Makarov more than anyone. If the data was incriminating to him, he would have probably send his own men or just destroyed the safehouse to avoid risk.
I believe that Shepard intended Sgt. Foley and Ramirez to get intelligence from that house. It would seem that the people who opened the safe house were part of Makarov's unit. That's judging from the comment about one of the dead invader's tatoos. I couldn't be sure what it was, but I think that it either it had intel about Shepherd or Makarov. Or, it could just be general defense intelligence, but I doubt it.
Which is what I meant. He wasn't in US or British hands by the end of the game. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to imagine him being turned over to the 'Bad' Russians somehow. Not incriminating as where it would flat out say that he set everything up but more in a subtle way that would show something small that would snowball from there. Like maybe that Allen was sent there by Sheperd. Something that wouldn't look all that nice on his PR. Maybe I phrased that wrong.
Well Allen would be pard of a CIA blac-ops unit, that you probably wouldn't hear about for 20 years. I'm sure Shephards superiors were well aware of him sending Allen in, and him taking the fall would look just as if Makarov was 1 step ahead. Rusty i'm confused with this Safehouse mission. Is this the APC one in Virginia in the big houses? I played with the sound down so i didn't hear anyone talking.
That's the one. You're asked to go to a house and go to the Panic room. When you get there, the place is torn up and some guys with tatoos are there. Foley says Sheperd won't be happy but as far as I'm aware, that's the last time they ever mention it. There was nothing else to it. Just the house, the blown up chopper out front, and the panic room with the dead bodies. I think you collected something from the panic room but I'm not sure. YouTube- Let's Play - Modern Warfare 2 | Part 12
In the No Russian level Allen was supposed to find out who hired Makarov to lead the massacre. The truth is that Shepherd was the one who financed it (How else would Makarov's men get US guns?) and Shepherd was also the one who tipped off Makarov about Allen.
- No the arms dealer in Brazil got the US guns, and if he couldn't, theres always the internet. Shephard and Makarov are enemies throughout the entire game. - Makarov was just too smart, one step ahead. Allen didn't know Makarovs true intentions, and how hard do you think it would be for an US military ranger jarhead to be undercover as some random mercinary? Perhaps Makarov just picked up that he was American (it really wouldn't be that hard) and made him a fall guy, without even knowing he was undercover.
I know Shepherd and Makarov were enemies, but perhaps even Makarov didn't know it was Shepherd paying him. Maybe the massacre was just Shepherd's way of setting Makarov up as the bad guy so he could take him down and be seen as the hero.