Post your epic gaming moments here.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by kevin1gamer, Nov 18, 2009.

  1. kevin1gamer

    kevin1gamer Ancient

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    SWAT 3
    I was playing online (it was a coop game) and we were pinned down by the suspects. Me and several other members of my team took cover behind a bar counter and we exchanged shots with the (30) suspects (who were fortifying a DJ tower). Eventually me and three other members of my team ran towards this wall in an attempt to slowly gain ground on the terrorists and take them out (and get into a better firing position that also gave us more cover). However, only three of us made it, one of the guys was gunned down right in front of me. So the three of us came up with a plan to charge towards another position and lay down fire there. The first guy went and was gunned down, so then the second guy went and was also gunned down. It was my turn, however, I stayed there (somewhat frozen with fear). Eventually the rest of my team who stayed behind the bar counter died and so I was the only one left. I had to neutralize 30 suspects (the rest of my team didn't kill any), so I ran straight towards them. As I ran forward I quickly took down several suspects, then I turned the corner and swept my gun to the side, killing even more suspects. Then I aimed up and riddled the suspects in the DJ tower with bullets by shooting through the open door. I had single handedly taken out all the suspects in less than a minute seconds. The bad part is, my team didn't like how I killed all of them, after the game they said "You should have arrested them, not killed them.". Be that as it may, they were not complying with our team's demands to surrender, so I had no choice but to use lethal force. That was the most epic moment in video game history for me.

    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Rogue Spear
    I was inside of a building (a hallway inside of a building, to be exact) and so I played a C4 charge in front of a door (to blow it open), I then turned around and bent down to place another C4 charge on the door directly opposite of the door I placed the other one by. However, about half way through planting the C4 charge on the door on the other side of the hallway when the other one blew up. I was right next to it to so I flew forward my now dead body hit the door I was planting the second C4 charge by. I then flew through the door, therefore destroy the door as well as a terrorist who was inside of the room. It was quite epic.

    Team Fortress Classic
    I was playing Team Fortress Classic on a LAN with my friend Brandon Burke at my house. I was playing as an engineer and he was a spy. I was outside (near a tunnel) and he was in a tower. We exchange gunfire for a little bit, then he stopped shooting, so I also stopped shooting. I realized he was going to go down to the ground, so I went in the tunnel and built a sentry turret right inside the tunnel, next to the entrance, so it would kill him the second he enters the tunnel. I then heard it shoot and I was certain I had killed him (since it said he died and I heard him die, I was on the other side of the tunnel when he "died"). I then messaged him saying "That was a trap.", then I ran back inside the tunnel and saw his dead body. I then turned around to leave the tunnel and when I did he stood up and fired, killing me instantly. It turns out he used one fo the spy's specials, feign death. He then sent me a message saying "So was that.".

    I was playing Geist on my GameCube while talking to my friend Matt Beumer on MSN Messenger. It was a deathmatch and I was playing against bots. There were like 5 of the enemies in this one area shooting each other, and I was a ghost, so I possessed an explosives crate taht was in the middle of the exchange. I then detonated it, killing all 5 assailants.

    Halo 3
    I was playing Halo 3 online, it was a social slayer match, on the map, Valhala. I had gotten 29 kills, and one of those kills was me jumping up in the air and meleeing a guy who was in the gunner seat of a warthog in the back (instantly killing him), but not before killing the driver (and passenger, if there was a passenger) with a grenade. I even have a video of it.
  2. 1shawn1

    1shawn1 Ancient
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    I was in a race on The Mudpool, and I was about to finish 3rd but my engine overheated and exploded just as someone rammed me from behind, and I went flying over the two cars in front of me and finished 1st.

    Assassin's Creed II
    The cutscene where you first meet Mario, I lol'd. =P
  3. The Jewker7244

    The Jewker7244 Ancient
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    Left 4 Dead 2
    earlier i was playing versus and wiped out the entire team the second they left the safe room as a charger on the very beginning of hard rain. they all flew off the dock insta downing them through that 1 charge it was pretty funny
  4. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Modern Warfare 2
    66 Stars in Spec-ops.
  5. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    Tales of Symphonia

    5 playthrus, totaling 300+ hours of gameplay.
  6. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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  7. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Halo: Combat Evolved
    The whole level where you first meet the flood. I shat and came at the same time.

    Goldeneye 007 (N64)
    Shooting tank rounds out of my hands.
    Learning that people could move around while taking a knee... Owai-- THEY CANT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  8. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    i killed the entire team two times in a row with my grenade launcer across scrapyard for hardcore search and destroy. like in the very beginning.
  9. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Modern Warfare 2
    Got a triple kill with an emergency airdrop.
  10. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    Getting 27 kills ALONE against five people who only got 25 in splrokets unfortunatly i started with -7 from my teams betrayals before they left
  11. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    Halo 3:
    Getting 50 kills on multi team slayer on Guardian.

    Getting a double noscope on last resort killing an Elite and a bird. :)
  12. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    MW2 headquarters invasion

    fired a grenade launcher at close range into a door, guy pops out of nowhere and it kills him, it then bounces off him and gets the guy right next to him.

    the same game, i killed the entire team with my M1014 and knife in under twenty seconds. i received the wargasm challenge and title. (i put my killstreaks to the first 3)
  13. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Halo Wars:I was playing a 3v3 unarranged on Exile and my teammates decide to quit on me right at the beginning of the game. 1v3. Instead of following suit and quitting, I decide to just play for shits and giggles. I build an elephant and rush the first guy. To my surprise, I actually end up beating him with an army of about 10 marines. I begin to move up and I buld a few spartans. Luckily enough, the second guy had 2 scorpions. i jacked those and ende up killing him. Holy crap I said to myself. i thought it was over, because the last guiy would certainly have a large army amased. Nope. He had about 10 marines and 5 warthogs. I had about 20 marines and 3 scorpions. Needless to say, I won.


  14. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    I owned Atlas at the end of the game. I didn't need to use a single first aid kit the whole fight. And I got the happy ending… Yay!

    Halo 3
    I threw a sticky grenade from one of the corridors next to the sword room on The Pit, it went to the walkway behind Red sniper tower, and stuck a guy. Lol.

    Another is when I blew up a banshee with a missile pod on Valhalla, and a bit of the carcass splattered an enemy, giving me a double kill.
    #14 Flameblad3, Nov 26, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  15. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Halo 2:
    This one time I was battling a whole battalion of Elites on the space station Cairo and I clear out an important room with a Covenant bomb. After having Cortana temporarily disarm the bomb, I open the air-lock and grab onto the bomb as it slides into open space. I guide the bomb into a Covenant carrier and I actually detonated the bomb in their carrier. You should have seen it!!!
  16. HoboMarine

    HoboMarine Ancient

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    Left 4 Dead
    Anytime playing with friends on expert I go super hyper start screaming and all that jazz.

    Modern Warfare 2
    TDM, Highrise I stab spawn open run out lob a knife over that large middle gap. Not expecting to get kills BAM +100 one happy me

    Call of Duty 4
    Mostly when I was no-scoping a lot normally at the start I stand there and take some pot-shots best ones when i kill some one.
  17. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    shooting a guy's riot sheid and killing myself, i thought it was good.
    when i armed the bomb in demolition on derail by myself with only 18 sec remaining then prceding to hold off the spawning defenders for the alloted time.
  18. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Have Cold Blooded Pro and Ninja Pro perks. Went prone on ground in the middle of Highrise. People walked right over me and i knifed them. Lol.
  19. iDieAgaain

    iDieAgaain Ancient

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    Halo 3: Gaurdian kill streak.

    During a Halo 3 matchmaking, I played a round on Gaurdian with SMG's.
    I thought, yeah... ok, but then out of nowhere, I was suddenly on a non-stop kill streak. Dual-Weilding nothing but a Plasma Rifle and an SMG, I mowed down anyone in my way. It was intense. I had never gotten a streak so long....... untill my whole team left. But either way it was pretty sweet.
  20. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Assassins Creed: When I found the last flag in the game. It was very satisfying. I found it in the kingdom on accident.

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