Hey there children =) I started forging a conquest map some days ago, since this is my first map and contact to conquest ever, im a little worried about doing everything right. So if you could help me improve the parts that are alredy forged you would be a big help to me, thanks =) A little overview. Thats the basic shape of the map. The spwan points will be located at the end of each "catwalk", the spawnrooms are not forged yet. Here you can see the different territorys. Imagine the pink one ^^ they will be bigger than the part you can see on the pictures of cause. One of the light blue territorys. And the center territory. I hope you are able to understand me and my crappy english and could get a little impression of my map so far, thanks.
I kind of want to see what the bases look like inside, but I guess i'll just have to wait to see when you officially post it. Anyway, it looks really unique which is good but I can't see evrything so I can't see the overall feel for the map, but I guess that's what a Preview is for...make me itching for more...
this map has really cool aesthetics, keep working on it and pimpin' it out. The only addition i can think of is make the spawn rooms as nice looking as the middle
Your English is good enough. Anyways, I like the map design a lot. I looks like there is some interesting cover in there. Needles to say, it's very beautiful. I can't wait for the finish!
The design is interesting, but one of the rules of conquest is there is now way to flank the enemy which seems possible here with the open pathways. to do that you should really build in skybubble. Your english is fine but the pictures are really important and yours are hard to understand. This really needs an overview.
Wow looks great . I really love the center territory . I could help for the catwalks . My GT is DANJESS99 . Cant wait for this conquest map .
its f*cking amazing, or at least thats what i think, you dont have to have seven territories, its optionall
The map itself looks fantastic, you just need to make sure you're following the rules of conquest. 1) Every inch of the map needs to be covered in territories. Wherever I am in the map, I need to be capturing something. 2) Pretty much everything is explained in the book of conquest. You can find it here: LINK
Its a little difficult to tell what the actual layout is like (with choke points and lines of light) from those few pictures, but I think it looks good so far. Have you check out Gunnergrunt's Conquest Guide? That should answer any questions you have while forging out the remainder of the map. If you have any questions that the guide doesn't answer, just send me a Private Message. The forging looks great though. Its always good to see someone put that much effort into making their Conquest map look nice. Keep it up, and hope to see it finished soon!