Sandbox Revelation

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Le Hefe, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. Le Hefe

    Le Hefe Ancient
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    Made by KGB XD
    Here it is at last! The long awaited and highly anticipated race track, Revelation, is ready for downloading. This map took 2 months to make and I would highly recommend reading through this whole description before posting any replies, as this is not a typical race track you all see these days:
    I wanted to make a track that wasn't like all of the other race tracks out there. After reading way to many "This isn't orignal" and "Every race track is the same," I saw an opportunity. I wanted to be the one that agreed with those statements, but had the guts to make something different. Mind you, I am not making any perfect loops or anything of that variety. What I did make was a track that could be hard while keeping race ability intact. Many Extreme (or 'Challenge') Tracks, are either single wide arranged in an obstacle course, or fall under the Hardcore category. So, why not make a track that has all of the above? Well I say it's already here: Revelation
    Revelation is as hard as it is fun, and whew it can be hard (no pun intended)! Revelation will start you off on the very smooth, wide, and long (still, no pun intended) terrain. Burn through the first turn, then let the breeze go by as you coast over a banked wave. Then reality strikes and the only words that leave your mouth is:
    "Oh, S**T!"
    The inevitable is coming, in order to reach your goal, there is no other choice but forward. But Uphill Whoops are easy right? Wrong! If you have any common sense, you would turn back at this point, but that is not an option. The right line around the turn will decide whether you live, or you die. Of course, a little dip after the turn, before the whoops only screws you over more. Pin the throttle, there's no other option, and pray that Revelation will let you pass by. Hey! Good news, you made it. However, it's not over yet. Watch the abyss as you transfer from a 1/2 Off Cambered turn into a swirl of madness. Don't hold your breath, it's almost over. Do not fall off of the 90 degree turn, you are too close to the end now. Bounce violently up the shield door elevator and, hey you still breathin? Pin the throttle again and jump over the barricade. Revelation will save you, this time from a plummeting to your death, but she is not all caring. Speed through the tunnel and hit it just right. Now jump!
    Hey! You made it! Now, who's up for another lap.... That is, if you can make it. Revelation is not for the faint of heart, only the best of the best can tame this wild beast. Even they fall, sometimes. Can you make it? Do you even have the guts to even try? What's that? Too hard, well I have something for you Revelation Newbies. Not one, but two version of Revelation are yours. The almighy Legendary Version, and the amatuer Normal Version (Yes, Halo 3 difficulties). Thank you for reading, and enjoy some pictures and a video at the very bottom of the post!
    Track View
    Track View
    First Turn: Smooth Sailin!
    Ahh, the majestic banked wave. Revelation is throwin you a bone now!
    Get your line nice and perfect, or you will fall off.
    Now Revelation is throwing everything at you. Good luck...
    Keep pressing, do not fall off you are too close now!
    Over the top!
    Final Stretch:
    You made it! Now, do another lap.
    YouTube- Revelation: Halo 3 Race Track
    Legendary Version:
    Normal Version:
    Thanks for reading, and enjoy Revelation!
    KGB XD.
    #1 Le Hefe, Nov 23, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2009
  2. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    Ok, now that I've got that out, this track looks great. It looks like it'll be a lot of fun to race on with some friends. It looks smooth, and i'm digging the banked wave. It looks honestly great. A dl from me.

    PS: is the destination cheatable? Skilled jumpers might be able to cheat the destination...
  3. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Although the map looks smooth and the banked wave looks great, there is one part I'm not liking. You know the part with the man cannon jump in the vid. If you don't make it over the wall you're screwed and you have to turn around where you land which just doesn't flow and slows you down. That's the only part I don't like about it.
  4. Le Hefe

    Le Hefe Ancient
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    Actually if you back your tires up off the edge of the wall, and if you do it just right, you can barely make a jump over the wall. Remember that this track is not meant to be straight forward or easy, which is why I made two version!
  5. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I ended the video before i made it through the intro... it annoyed me.

    I think its interesting that you mixed a serious map with a casual racing map. It's all well forged though so I don't see why it wouldn't work
  6. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    Damn that intro was annyoing, but ok. Some of the parts seem kind of useless to me and make the map look sloppy and amateur like the wedge long stretch. Also, the tunnel with the wood ceiling is kinda sloppy. I would clean it up a bit and look into some of the advanced race maps created here at FH. I'm only recommending this because I believe you have the potential to make a good one.
  7. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    although the map is beautiful, you will not be getting a download from me because of that stupid part with the gaps in it, that absolutely ruins a racetrack. It is completely random if you are going to make it over and you will fall off randomly. its a shame really, cuz the rest of the map looks so good.

    and that was such an annoying video, just stick to a short video of the track, thats all we care about
  8. xcoveredingravy

    xcoveredingravy Ancient
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    wow, i was reading this and i read your gamertag and realized that i had just played a game of big team with you then i went back to check and you were on my recent players list :surprise: by the way very good map DL from me!
  9. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    Chung_wii's review for Revelation by KGB XD


    - the large wedges... what where you thinking? I do not think that was a good idea.
    -the ramp into the invisible border was NOT a good idea either. You should never have to stop and turn around on a track
    -ramp before the "over the top jump" is very inconsistent. I cant help but drive on the outside and I hit the wall right before the jump. Not good...


    -The track was pretty smooth at the begging. I was like WOW.
    - The aesthetics aren't too bad. I liked some of them.


    - Tilt the man cannon hop so that people don't take the outside and fall almost every time.

    Final Thoughts:

    This is a pretty decent track. The track has a few bumps. But the first 2 turns are very well made.

    • Difficulty - easy/medium
    • Creativity - 4-5
    • Flow - 2-5
    • Race-Ability - 3-5
    • Clarity - 4-5
    • Entertainment - 4.5-5
    • Overall: 3/5
    #9 chung_wii, Nov 23, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2009
  10. Le Hefe

    Le Hefe Ancient
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    lol for all of the people posting about the wedges, just forget about it. I never said they were supposed to be perfect now did I? Yes, the intro is supposed to be annoying, and this is the reason why I don't post on FH a whole lot. I've made a ton of maps, but FH is too crowded. Final word: For those who can't handle my style of forging- F**K OFF. I thank all of those who praise it though! Look for some even harder race tracks soon!

    Edit: This map is not meant to be staight forward...literally. I hear many people b***hing about how easy race tracks are. A lot of you are being extremely hypocritical with your feedback. Read through the description, don't just glance at it! I explained enough about the track so that people won't be posting rediculous comments.
    #10 Le Hefe, Nov 25, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2009

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