Link: This NOT supposed to be a remake, but a re-imagination. This is V2, V1 in my file share also. Ok after some feedbacks, I improved the map, mainly the gulch base. Things are interlocked, NO money glitches. TANKS AND BANSHEES ONLY APPEAR ON ASSYMETRIC GAMES E.G 1 FLAG. SUPPORTS TEAM SLAYER AND ALL FLAG GAMETYPES ONLY. This is a map I wanted to do since I saw Avalanche, you can call it a re-imagination of Blood Gulch, all weapons from BG are the same, but some are tweaked abit to fit Halo 3, I blocked the turn off to make it a boxed canyon This is version 2. Changes from V1 -Improved base, added hole on top of base to give a more BG feel -Inside of base details added. -Changed vehicle spawn times. -Added a third turrent on camo cliff in asymertrical games. -Added a un useable oversheild on the front of Gulch base to mark red team Over shield Spawn Camo Spawn Other Base
please change the name of the topic to comply with FH standards, you must post the name of the map and ONLY the name, so no !! *Re-imagination of Blood Gulch on Avalanche* this is so all maps have an equal chance.
Clever idea. I do wish that you would show us more pics, I can't really see anything except for one base. Maybe make two separate bases and block off everything else? Worth a shot, I suppose.
Wow, this is aboslutely impressive. I would have never thought of the idea. Props. One suggestion I have though, is to make the bases on a flat terrain. It looks like from the pictures that the bases are on a hill and that makes it look messy. I could be wrong though.
this map has some great resemblance to blood gulch and i really like the bases. they look just like the real ones
I was thinking of doing something like this after i heard someone say it, but now i see someone has done a much better job then i ever could.Oh well now i get to play it without doing anything! YAY
A really interesting idea. The first picture, with all the rocks in the background, reminds me of Blood gulch. I have to say that I think the base could have been done better. Use of interlocking is always nice, but couldn't you have made it more like the original base, with multiple stories? I'm sure that there is enough items for it. The one wall with the glass in the middle would work perfect for the one floor inside the base. Again, great idea. I suggest that you try making a v3.
I think He was making a Bloodgulch based map, not a coagulation map. I love the idea I just think you could be a little cleaner on the map.
Haha, we're going to be hearing that a lot! I described Vestige as a re-imagination of Relic! Have you blocked off the other half of the map? Also, the Gulch Base, I see a Hornet and Banshee, does the banshee spawn for asymmetrical and hornet for symmetrical? It looks really good, at first I thought the man cannons would spoil it a bit but I suppose if its in and out it doesn't really.
Yo thanks guys, to answer some questions, ye I blocked off half the map to make it a boxed canyon, the base was based on BG bases, and this is not meant to be a remake, just a light re-imagination of it. Banshees and Scorpion tanks only spawn in assymetrical games.
Looks cool. I think I'll DL and see if there's anything to improve upon. BG is my favorite hce map. Standoff was not a close enough remake!
ugh I hate when people misspell this word. you say it "Turr-EHT" (spelled "turret") But the map looks cool
This looks pretty good. If you ever make v3, I suggest that you make the base a bit bigger maybe add another floor, and make another base for sure. You could also add more forge creations in the middle or around the sides just to change things up a bit and to make for better gameplay in things like slayer.