Well, I play both of these games a lot of the time. I play Saints Row 1&2, then I play GTA 3, SA, and others. I seem to see many similarities. It is like Chevy and Ford. Whats your take?
I play both games too. Ive played Saints Row 2 and GTA 4. I think Saints Row 2 wasnt all serious and it was just fun and you could do crazy stuff. GTA 4 is so realilistic (which i like) but you couldnt do a lot of crazy stuff like you could do in san andreas. Saints Row 2 was kinda like san adreas because of the gangs territories and such bit it was still a really fun game. I like both games but if i had to pick one over the other i would pick GTA 4. With their amazing DLC, it makes the game so much more fun now,
I found GTA IV to take itself too seriously, I had more enjoyment playing Saints Row 1 than I did GTA
GTA 4 is basically just pure enjoyment for me. I mean what's better to relieve stress than running some people over with a bunch of coppings shooting at your car? I don't play it seriously but I find it better than Saints Row.
i tried saints row but i felt it didnt have the same feel as GTA i loved san andreas especially all the mods for that game. GTA IV was pretty fun. its always fun to run into the cluckin bell with your gf then rob the place take her to the comedy club to see some bad preformance by katt wiliams then get invited to her place for some warm coffee
GTA all the way. Saint's Row just didn't impress me as much as GTA. I have played 3 GTA games: - Liberty City Stories - San Andreas - IV
which is why i liked it. im not one of the kids who just spawns **** and destroys anything they can until the police are faster than their fingers inserting the codes.
IMO the second Saints Row was a big let down, never really played it though but off the first glances and the little time I have played it, it seems they could have took a leaf out of GTA's book and took it a little more serious. Saints Row 1 was awesome, Me and Matty spent hours running infront of cars for the enjoyment which was very entertaining. GTA4 for me though, the storyline and playability is unbelieveable, never ever get bored of that game.
Sr2 was much more fun than gta4 and had much more replayability, both of which are factors I want in sandbox games. Sr2 had some horrible multiplayer other than co op