Acquisition Created By: Given To Fly Acquisition is a conquest map. If you don't know what conquest is, let me start by giving a quick definition. Conquest - A game of territories in which each team forces their way to the opposing team's spawn. Use teamwork to push forward in a game that is basically the opposite of tug of war. The maps designed for conquest are constructed of linear pathways with varied lines of sight. For more info see these helpful sources. Gunnergrunt's Conquest Guide Book Of Conquest Conquest: Complete Description Onto the map itself. Acquisition is in the skybubble of Sandbox. It curves right to left with unique aesthetics that surround the middle chamber. It was inspired by many different conquest maps that have been posted in the past. I decided that I wanted to make something as aesthetically beautiful as it plays, and from testers reviews, I succeded. The whole process took months of forging, along with hours of weapon placements, spawns, and testing. None of this map has been created with the new technique "Ghost Merging." That is why it is smoother and took longer than expected. I've had a lot of support from other members of Forgehub, and X Forgery as well. Thank you to all of you who encouraged me during the building process. Weapon Placement: Brute Shots / 2 / 60 sec. Needlers / 2 / 45 sec. SMGs / 4 / 30 sec. Spikers / 4 / 30 sec. Battle Rifles / 2 / 30 sec. Plasma Rifles / 2 / 30 sec. Magnums / 4 / 30 sec. Frag Grenades / 2 / 20 sec. Plasma Grenades / 4 / 20 sec. Video: Thanks Urban! YouTube- Acquisition Conquest Halo 3 Map Pictures: Blue Team Spawn Blue Team Territory 1 / Spawn Area Blue Team Hallway To Middle Red Team Hallway Looking Back Center / Middle Territory Special Thanks To Testers rifte gifle Reigning Chaos ( RC ) | Timothy | o Powernade o used man Gunnergrunt Cerberus Beast Ell3ment Thesilencebroken ROFLninja Urban Myth And all those who helped test this map out. Special Thanks To Gunnergrunt For All His Feedback and Help. Download Conquest V4 Download Acquisition
Fly, this looks insanely good. Unlike the cave-like conquest maps being created today (one by you of course) you almost forged a temple-like structure and it turned out aesthetically incredible and the gameplay looks smooth and balanced. I know you tested it today, so how did that turn out? But seriously, I DL'd right when this was released 5 minutes ago and I'm so excited to play it later. I've always loved your style Fly, keep up the awesome work!
That would completely ruin it. The Hammer can be considered way to powerful for Conquest, simply because it is a) a one hit kill, b) prevents the opposing team from being able to advance in fear of getting killed by the hammer, thus breaking flow and c) it's wide area of effect causes it to take down or weaken larger groups of enemies in one swing, giving the team with the hammer an unfair advantage. On to the map itself, I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to test this today, because it seems like I would've had a lot of fun on it. It looks very well made, like most of the maps I've seen from you, and probably plays just as good. Great job.
I'm glad to see this finally posted this. One of the most beautifull conquest maps yet. I rendered the video clip in your share: Link
Great map. I didnt get an invite to test it today, although i did play it about 2 weeks ago, or something like that. I remember the first time i played this i fell right off the map because i didnt notice that bridge >:| Anyways very good map, no ghost merging? Good on yeh for that!
How did the testing go? Its a bummer i couldn't make it to your latest testing session, but this map was already up to par by then anyway. The forging any design is excellent, along with the way it plays. It was much fun to help you out with this map, and it really turned out great. Yet another fantastic addition to the collection of Conquest maps! If only you had made it rain pallets.... =P
I can't tell if that's considered advertising, but it is annoying. Don't antagonize the forger Hugh, I don't think she appreciates it. Anyways, back to the map. Given to Fly, what great debuts. First you astounded the world with shiscm of light, and now this. I can clearly see the impressive aesthetics here, but I'll get back to you on lines of sight and gameplay after I've played it. If only you had this done in time for the Conquest in Matchmaking selection...
Gunnergrunt - lol I was going to say the same thing in the post! And thanks. Forgehub - I'm a dude. Thanks everybody for all your thoughts
I just finished watching the video that Urban Myth linked and I like what I saw. The forging and aesthetics are great, but what else should we expect after seeing that last feature . The weapon layout is eye-catching and balanced, and the layout is quite smooth. It's good to see more and more high quality conquest maps being posted and hopefully these maps will be seen in MM soon.
Owned! Just seeing your name automatically makes the map a 5/5. It's definetly one of the best Conquest maps out there. Aestetics are great, map is great. I'm going to need to play a few games later after I'm done with my map.
Oops. My bad. :/ I just saw your profile pictures and assumed otherwise. Well, with that awkward bit out of the way, What an awesome map. After a few tests, I can safely say that this is one of the most unique and effective conquest maps I have seen yet. Fantastic job!
So this is the temple like conquest map RC was talking bout. I like it alot and have already dl'd it man. Very smooth and gameplay is great. Keep up the good work mate.
I love what you did with the starting rooms Given! I'm glad you ended up with enough budget to pull it off! The last time I saw this, I was too busy hopping around on the center structure, and breaking out of the cubbies to focus on the layout! Oh wait! The cubbies are gone, and have been replaced with windows! Let me guess, you couldn't find a place to put the teleporters? Lulz... That's okay, some of the best Conquest maps didn't use cubbies, so I'm fine with that. This is seriously my first time posting on a thread for a couple months... And if you ask me this post is kinda pointless seeing as there is no way that I could play this map. Oh well... Beautiful layout Given! I'm glad I spotted this when I did, I was just about to turn off my computer! Beautiful aesthetics, and a wonderful middle turf. That's all that matters to me when I'm playing on a Conquest map. I hope this gets the attention it deserves you aesthetic master, you...
Wow that middle bridge is awesome! it looks the gameplay throughout the game is intense because of how close the battle is away from you. The map looks beautiful with all the different designs for asthetic purposes. Awesome map!
Thanks Conker, I tried deciding what would be the best base to make on a budget. It had to be simple but sexy. Glad you guys liked the map. Message me up and lets get some customs in whenever you feel like it. Got a party goin? Lets test it out some more. I'm suprised that not that many people have commented it, I worked hard and I feel a little let down, lol. Anyway I might switch up weapon placements sometime. I also need to test out gametypes. Yep, GAMETYPES. As in Conquest Bomb. Hopefully it turns out right.
One problem I have with this map is that there is no source of cover on the middle bridge which might make advancing past it difficult.
I must admit, this map is very aestheticly aplealing, your architecture is very similar to Delta Halo's. whether this is a coincidence or if it what meant makes no difference, this map feels like it really could be a part of The Ark or another actual location in the Halo universe, and therefore is genuine to the game. To actually criticize everything else I'll need to D'l and play, so I'll edit this when I am done. Edit: Well I Dl'd and There were minor faults and such but just as I said before it's amazing. It seems the only thing I didn't enjoy about the map was the spiker ledge... it seems too forced. (also I killed this thread...)
What do you mean by the spiker ledge seemed too forced? like it doesn't seem to fit? Also I've had people tell me that before but I don't see how it looks like part of the ark, lol
I've never actually played a game of conquest but this looks absolutely amazing. I have to say that your title of aesthetic master fits the bill Up until now i've never really felt the desire to play conquest but this map makes me want to very bad all the sudden. anyway, cheers.
/latereply. Well, I really like Forerunner structures and I'd play all three halo games just to get a feel of the designs (Delta, Alpha, The Ark, and The Shield Worlds). Most of the maps I attempt to make are forerunner based. Anyway, I said this seems like a feasible structure of the Ark due to the design. Also the spiker ledge is either too far out or too empty underneath, I'm not sure which.