These are my first pics tell me what you think of them :happy: HellFire Flower Through the Mist Spartan Glare Starstruck
There actually pretty good for someone just beginning. I really like the starstruck one and the lighting is really fitting for each pic. I'd like to see more of your work because these definitely caught my eye.
No that one i think is the most boring, I think the best one is the 3rd or 5th one. Pretty good put could be some improvments.
Thanks guys! Personnaly i like the first one and the last one but thats just me also am i the only one who thinks spartan glare looks ODST-ish?
the first and the last appeal to me personnaly because they arent just huge explosions or bright lights. They both transition from the background to the foreground which looks pretty cool IMO. Mess around with whatever effect you used to get starstruck, you could improve it alot even though it is pretty good at the moment