Title says all. Be reasonable. Name: John McClane Gamerscore: 15g How to get: Destroy a hornet or banshee by driving a chopper into it in ranked playlists. Name: Car Trasher Spree Gamerscore: 10g How to get: Destroy 5 warthogs in a row (with drivers) without dying in ranked playlists.
1: I would probably mimic the Gears of War weapon achievements (100 kills with pistol, 100 kills with snipers, 100 headshots, 100 rocket kills, etc...) 2: Name: Road Rage Gamerscore: 15g Description: Get 15 wheelmen in one game Name: Steaktacular Gamerscore: 20g Description: Get a steaktacular. Name: Kiss the cook Gamerscore: 25g Description: Successfully cook an enemy by killing them with a plasma pistol.
1. Name: The Ammunition Store Gamerscore: 50G How to get: Get 100 kills with every gun. 2. Name: Ninja Gaiden Gamerscore: 25G How to get: Get 10 Assassinations in any ranked playlist.
Name: It's pure skill! Or luck... Gamerscore: 50G How to get: Get a killionaire in any social playlist other than zombies and grifball. Spoiler If you haven't seen, Phurion's Guide to Making a Halo 3 Montage, you probably won't get the reference.
Wheelmaster Wheelmaster- get 50 wheelman medals on big team slayer in the warthog only. my record is high 30-something. difficult.
1. Assassin's Creed 25G - Get 10 assassinations in a row without dying, in a ranked or social playlist. 2. 1 CarR1ed U!!! 50G - In a ranked or social playlist, in a game of Team Slayer, score at least 40 points for your team. 3. Le Tour de Force 50G - Get 15 kills with a tank, in a ranked or social playlist. 4. Space Place 20G - Win a game on Orbital, on every gametype, in a ranked or social playlist. 5. Epic MLG 50G - In the MLG playlist, get a Running Riot medal, using only a BR, with no beatdowns.
Kill 10 people in a matchmade playlist with plasma pistol shots(No Beatdowns) Tee-Bag a Bungie Employee Get the sword on the pit. Get 20 splatters with the hog in Sqaud Battle Kill Bungie
Epic. Agent 137 - 10g Get a killing spree only killing people with a magnum. Thank You, Sir - 15g Get a bulltrue on a person who is lunging at another player.
Fishsticks and Fire Crotch are good ones. 50G Turkey-Tacular: Win 5 games on November 26th without the opposing team getting more than 20 kills.
Le Tour de Force 50G - Get 15 kills with a tank, in a ranked or social playlist. Thank You, Sir - 15g Get a bulltrue on a person who is lunging at another player. dam iv done both of those (yes im serious) 100g FragTacular - get a killtacular in Swat with one frag grenade. 50g BeastIntheHarlot - Kill someone with a chopper after being stuck by a spike/stickie grenade.
sniped 100gget 5 no scopes al caPWNed 50g get a killtacular with the SMG in any ranked game bungie budy 100g get recon from bungie we dont come in peace 50g kill 50 spartans in any ranked game as an elite :combat: junk on your trunk 50g stick some one on the butt in anny ranked game
IMO, this is what the disc 2 of ODST should have included, as they could have added achievements for that as well. And yes, they all add up to 1,000G exactly. Haven't you got anything else to do? 10G Get 50 kills on December 25th on any ranked / social playlist. Reflexes 20G Get 20 kills in a game of SWAT Pro 20G Get 20 kills in a game of MLG. Skilled 20G Get over 15 kills in a game of Team Snipers without using the scope. Success 20G Get a triple kill with a single grenade in any ranked / social playlist Community man 35G Download, play and rate 15 maps from other people. (Bungie.net) Samurai 25G Get 3 assassinations while in midair in any ranked / social playlist Committed 50G Get 10,000 kills total matchmaking kills. Montage Material 35G Get a running riot using only the BR, Sniper, and Melee in any ranked / social playlist. It's so pretty 25G Get a killionaire in any ranked / social playlist. Playing field 35G Get 80% of all medals in matchmaking. Sensitive 25G Get 10 kills while your sensitivity is set to '10' in any ranked playlist. Objective man 50G Capture 10 territories, 5 Hills, 5 flags, plant 5 bombs, and Kill 5 VIPs in matchmaking. On the move 25G Spend 3 minutes in vehicle(s) in any ranked / social playlist and get 2 splatter kills. Forger 50G Make a map in forge mode, post it to Bungie.net and get over 1000 downloads for it. Alternatives 40G Play 20 games of each playlist in any non-double XP ranked / social playlist. Experience man 25G Play 20 games of any ranked / social 'Double XP Weekend'. Super Streak 25G Have a kill to death ratio of at least 2.5 for 3 games in a row in any ranked / social playlist Stolen from you 25G Get over 10 assists in one game in any ranked / social playlist. Haloholic 100G Total 1000 XP in matchmaking. He's returned 25G Complete 5 campaign levels after obtaining all other campaign achievements. Playing around with the options 20G Get 25 kills with at least 3 different controller layouts in matchmaking. Wielder 25G Get 200 dual wield weapon kills in matchmaking. Saviour 25G Get 5,000 kills in campaign. Chameleon 25G Play a game each with 25 different armour layouts in matchmaking. Soldier 25G Destroy 50 vehicles in matchmaking. Wingman 15G Get 2 kills as a passenger of a vehicle in any ranked / social playlist. Spam 15G Get 100 kills with grenades in matchmaking. Favoritism 25G Bungie post your content on Bungie favorites. Been a while 45G Play the game for a week total. Customized 35G Play over 250 custom games while connected to xbox live. Addict 40G Reach level 40 on Halo: Waypoint. Killing Spree Spree 20G Get 5 killing spree medals in 3 games in ranked / social playlist.
5G - Back to School / Learning the Basics Interlock your first item. in the process of making more...