Glaciate is my newest racetrack made in Sandbox's skybubble. It is my first track in a while... my first since Cyanide. It features four turns, a small hill, and a strange transition that you may have never seen before. The track is very smooth and relatively small, but I have included aesthetics that I have never included in my racetracks. I hope you enjoy! Download Glaciate Download Battle Snipes
It looks pretty good. I wanted to post my map in a good map drought. ha ha. Good job. I just don't think that the bank transition is good at all. I suggest ghosting that to make it smoother and more appealing. Other than that its pretty dang good. banks are smooth (i think) hills and things look great. 5/5. Keep em coming.
This is a really a good racetrack. I think i played this map for like an hour yesterday, it was very fun. The bank stransition before the finish line look amazing and everything is smooth, this should get featured.
Name is meh. I played the unfinished version, and it was so smooth, it was, I cant even describe how smooth it was.
I was happy to find this in my inbox yesterday. You make my favorite race tracks lately. And this one is excellent! You really nailed the perfect angle for every turn and bank. I see what you mean about "gravitation forces." And the map just looked great as well. It was as open as Cyanide so battle snipes was a bit more challenging, but it was still very fun. I love the floating cube theme too lol. But why is there a single block sitting on the skybubble floor behind the starting box? By the way, i love that last turn the most. The wood transition really threw me off the first few times!
When I was in a game with him last night, he said he was using it to ghost merge something and forgot to delete it. Then, he probably went DERP and forgot to delete it again before posting this. Anyways, I really like the transition between the wood and the stone on the last turn. That really surprised me on my first playthrough. The whole track is easy to learn and just fun to drive on altogether. Great job, Ace.
wow this is really nice I love the aesthetics and the transistions are nice and smooth. I especially like the wood to bank transition 9/9.5
yeah there is, the destination point. they cant just drive backwards the whole time, they'll meet the destination which is (i think) uncheatable and they'll have to turn around and go the correct direction.
Dang, I thought I had deleted that. I'll fix that soon. Like Scobra said, I was using it as a guide and forgot to delete it. Yes, there are man cannons inside of the track that prevent you from going through the destination the wrong way.
Wow. That's all I can say. The track is nice and long, smooth, and you added some structures to give it some aesthetic appeal. I like the wood/stone transition and I like the red tunnel, simple and appealing. Nice job on this racetrack, I can't find anything wrong with this.
Wiw great race map . I really love your structure with the floathing cube at the center and your red tunnel are great .
Beatifully crafted map, spectacular racetrack, looks smooth… you've heard it before, am I right? Anyway, I'm gonna dl, now, to give a proper review. 5/5 from what I can see.
There is nothing truly exceptional about this track. However, the track has good aesthetics, good forging, good design, and good gameplay. That makes it a fantastic track in my book. It's perfect for competitive racing, and I will keep this one on my hdd for a long time.
This is one of the smoothest tracks I've played on in a really long time. The aesthetics are truly exceptional and the design definitely was executed nicely. I had never seen the stone to wood transition before this so that is a really nice touch. I'll keep playing this with my friends competitively for a long time. Nice work!
A very solid track, I remember testing this a day or two ago, For Battle snipes and Lasers. It was a blast, the bank transition and the structure on the third turn is a cool feature. Overall a very good looking and nice track.
Wow great racetrack. Seems very smooth and fun to race with some friends. My favorite part of the map is the banked transition. It looks very smooth. The overview looks like it would be a crazy map with many twist and turns. 9/10 id have to say.
I downloaded this when you recommended it to me, and I really like it, it's uber-massive-awesome amounts of smooth covered in more awesome. But seriously, it's a very nice track, glad you sent it to me. I like the floating cube....