OMG can you just stop talking about where I got it from and enjoy the post. If you cant sigh anything good then just shut it. mg: I'm pretty sure all the other people that don't read the comments and don't care are happy that they have new emblem ideas, why cant you two. and one other thing, If you think it's so bad then why isn't it block. It's already got like 200 views, oh 230 now.
Maybe you've got a point there. Considering what you're suggesting, I think I'll go copy and paste the Gunnergrunt's Conquest Guide, maybe reorganize a few stanzas here and there, and post it on one of the Forums as my own, with no credit given to the original author because it doesn't really matter who truly created something, just as long as every one who uses it appreciates it, right? I mean, that is what you're suggesting; am I correct? In case you are too stupid, as you have proved yourself in prior arguments, I will directly reiterate that I do not support your argument. Without acknowledging the true creator of something it is often considered plagiarism and that is what you've committed; correct me if I'm wrong. Though you are citing the people who helped the original poster of the thread(s) you acquired the information from, I believe, and so do many others, that you need to at the very least cite the actual thread(s) where you got this information from; and not little citations that will go unnoticed like the one you have as of now.
Some of those are really cool but others > the hamburger one is just not cool but the innapropriate ones are hella funny "female lactating organ" haha
Haha seriously stop bitching about if he ripped it or not, he doesn't say "Hey i made all this **** so enjoy". He is just showing you emblems you can make so stop being such douches. I like the pot leaf haha i remember how to do it in h2 but i was stumped for h3.
The one has been there since 2008 with the latest edit being early 2009. That's how I know.
Some of those are pretty cool. You do have to site where you took it from though. It really isn't hard to just put in a link.
This is a very helpful thread. If I ever need a new emblem I'll know where to go. Thanks for posting this Church, and don't let these guys get to you. Nice find, keep up the informative posts.
why do so many people bust balls on this site?just shut the **** up and enjoy the emblems,i really dont think its nessassrry to strt a fight ova nothing.good post by the way...didnt think you could make all these emblems i only saw like 10 on this llist before i looked at it.great job man keep adding new 1s.
I don't think he wants to do that, though, and I doubt he ever will. He can't accept the fact that he lacks originality, so he takes credit for others' work.
Nonetheless, this is STILL plagiarism. Sure, I'm glad you're trying to help the community, but one link could have kept this thread open. Seriously, this is the third time.