You gonna get this game, I know I am! This looks like a pretty fun game, and it's going to have so many cool features online. If you have been living under a rock, here's the updates from the last game. ((Stories, I believe?)) After the initial load sequence, there are no loading sequences during gameplay. A Rockstar spokesperson claimed, "you can basically play the game from beginning to end without a single load screen." Titles in the GTA series have traditionally been heavily mission based (fixed missions must be completed to progress through each game), but the freedom to explore and play outside of the set missions in GTA IV will now be more relevant to progress through the game, according to comments by a Rockstar spokesperson: "We're really trying to blur the line between on-[mission] and off-mission. So storyline, and what you do outside [it], and how those two things influence each other." Niko will be able to perform a variety of new actions such as climbing telephone poles and fire escapes, pushing people who bump into him, calling women for dates, playing darts and bowling. Niko may become intoxicated, causing him to stumble and the camera to blur and bounce about. The player will not be able to fly any fixed-wing aircraft. However, helicopters will be flyable. Francis International Airport (from Grand Theft Auto III) is confirmed to be in the game. It is possible to have multiple active missions, due to the fact that some missions will run over the course of several days and will require the player to wait for further instructions, etc. The use of the mobile phone has been expanded to perform multiple actions. When selecting the mobile phone, a zoomed-in version of the phone pops up in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and a list of several commands are made available to the player, such as "meet me here," etc. Retrying a failed mission can be performed by accessing the menu. The phone can be used outside of vehicles to listen to one of the 18 radio stations. The player can take photos with the mobile phone and upload them to the police computer. Niko can dial 911 to call the police for them to arrest an enemy/pedestrian that is fighting/shooting at him, or just to trick them into wasting resources on a false alarm. He can also contact the paramedics and the fire station. Stealing a parked car can no longer be done simply by opening the door and driving off. Now, it involves Niko approaching the car, breaking the glass, and hotwiring it; only then can he use it. The way Niko enters the car would look different each time depending on where and how he is in relation to the car. There will be several animation variations to sneaking up to a car and breaking its window. Because of the Euphoria engine, the way the character will approach the car will be completely random. Players will be able to choose from five different camera views while in a car, including a dashboard view, two outside views near and far from the car, a road view, and a cinematic view. The new chase cam will follow the player but focus the camera direction on a target vehicle. All cars feature a standard GPS device while more expensive vehicles have voice-navigation GPS. Car damage physics have been greatly improved. When major collisions on motorbikes occur, the player's helmet is likely to fall off. Niko can lose health if he crashes. Vehicles will not explode if they are flipped over. There is much more as well!
I want it so badly but I have so much crap I have to buy, that I don't know if I will be able to. But it looks really sick.
Yea, I am definitely gonna buy this. Sometimes I need a break from Halo, and I really don't like CoD4 that much, unlike all of my friends. But I know when this comes out it will be really popular and the online gameplay is gonna so sweet. Go online with a party of your friends and just wreck things up in a giant city, its gonna be awesome.
Well, it looks like I won't be playing Halo for awhile. So much smothering orgasmic goodness, GTA IV is truly overpowering! I have to wait a couple of months until my birthday to get it. Sadly I will only be 16, so I'll have to get one of my friends to buy it for me. (Controlling parents).