i have made a scene from King Kong, it basically consists of a giant gorilla. i have included such details as little planes flying around him and a warthog being crushed in his hand. you can download it here: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=19905450 image of the overall structure:
Not quite as impressive as you made it sound but i did like the pics of the elephants how did you get them in the air?
i got the elephants flying by spawning a drop pod, and putting it in the drivers seat, sill holding onto it, i used it to lift the elephants, much like a crane
thats what i was going to say.. but anyway looks pretty cool lol i would download but i dont think ive got any room left
he was talking about in my fileshare, earlier instead of hving the pic there i had a direct link to my fileshare, but i edited it and put in that pic.
kinda small the new guy that just posted his robots made it huge, try a V2 with some more stuff in it
pretty cool but its not the first giant robot/creature thing like that someones made , there getting pretty old now
It's not everything I hoped for, but you made the best Kong you possibly could have. Try doing something like this on foundry, where the objects are a lot more useful.
but on foundry i cant really make it bigger, some people have commented about it being bigger will make it better, but thanks anyway