Screenshot of the Week is back! This is Forge Hub's Screenshot of the Week, equivalent to Signature of the Week in Graphics & Arts, except with Halo 3 screenshots. If this goes well, I will be continuing this and hopefully it becomes popular. Each week I'll come up with a new theme, then you go out and capture a screenshot that represents that theme. The community then votes for which screenshot should win, and why. This was made by Donii, with his permission I am taking over. Feel free to recommend themes to me via This Thread One Entry Per Person, Per Week - So Make Your Submission A Good One! (Your entry Must Be Your Own Work!) 1 Week for submissions of the Screenshots and 1 week for voting. THIS IS THE ENTRY WEEK/THREAD This Weeks Theme is what Donii left off on, Electrical Effects! Win 3 Screenshot of the Week's in a row and be featured in the newest site update. Submission Rules: • Entrants may only submit a screenshot created by themselves. • Screenshots must follow all forum rules. This includes those against nudity and pornography. • You may edit or change your entry any time before the voting thread is posted. • If your screenshot has won in the past it may not be entered again Entries Will End Tuesday, November 24 and Voting Will Commence _________________________________________________________ What classifies as electricity? As Black Thereom stated it can't just be an explosion, it must have some kind of electricity or sparks on it. Electricity also counts as something like a computer or something that runs off of electricity; be careful with this though, using a spartan or a grenade and saying that has electricity does not count.
Yeah I liked the first one. I liked it until it was abandoned on what like the 5th one? I don't know. It would be great to start it up again. I'm in. And by the way v2 sounds lame, if this grows it won't be SOTWv2 right?
Eh, he said Donii allowed him to take over it, so it's still SOTW to me. You're gonna have to some up with some incentive for people to participate, Orange. Last time, after a few weeks, people got bored.
I say we wait awhile for this to get somewhat exciting, and then maybe ask a mod if they can write up a little paragraph or so on the person that one it.. about their screenshot.
v2 is to make sure people know this is a new thread. ill talk to a mod to see if they will include the winner of 3 in a row in a site update
Sorry dont have any good screens to give but if i was going to to take a screen to submit does the energy drain count as electricity? Or do i have to have real electricty in it like a spartans suit recharging?
Disregarding the spam post above mine... An excellent idea would be to use the winning screenshot as a banner, resized, photoshopped to include the text for the Site Update! Not only is that a prize for the winner, but it knocks two birds with one stone, since the Site Update is choosing new banners! I'll propose this to an admin.
Can you change your screenshot if you have a better one before the end of the submission week? Turns out electricity just doesn't fit my style. Oh well, here it is. This is the submission thread, right?
Good luck. And if you need to know, Shock was basically the only admin I spoke to about this, so it might be in his memory.
eh, i havent played halo 3 for a couple of days but as long as it looks like sparks or electricity i will OK it. also shock OKed being included in a site update if you win 3 weeks in a row.