Updated!!! ASSET DOWNFALL Backstory: The Odsts tried to get out of the city in thier pelican but alas! Virgil fell out of their pelican. Grabbing their guns they drop down into the sandy valley where he fell. Covenant are swarming the area. You play as one of the ODSTs. Protect Virgil. Description: The ODSTs drop down from the sky in their drop-pods at the start of the game. One glitch is that the drop pods sometimes kill you, but don't worry, you will spawn quickly on the holdout base. Watch out for all the enemy players while you try to protect the VIP. On the ground below the holdout base is a little alcove that houses a rocket launcher. Behind the base there is a missile pod. On the base itself there is a battle rifle and a sniper rifle. On the small platform out front you can find a trip mine and a machine gun turret for extra protection. Below that platform you have 2 magnums and 2 smgs. The brutes all spawn in a small room and they stay there for about 3 seconds before they are killed by a killball. Don't worry. You have a strip pole to keep you company. At 6min. the hornet drops from the sky onto the helipad.(Warning: sometimes a Brute Chieftan spawns with a fuel rod gun at the same time as the hornet!) Simply fly the VIP to the destination above the map to win the round. Screenshots: Overview Base where you SHOULD holdout (you might be able to see an alternate holdout point or two in the overview The helipad, rather basic I know, but it serves its purpose.At about 6 min. a Hornet spawns for you to escape to the destination point in the sky with. Classes: Brute Chieften-fuel rod gun-spawns at 3 min. Jump Pack Brute-spiker, bruteshot, flare Stealth Brute- mauler, radar jammer, active camo Normal brute- all Covenant weapon except for needler, beam rifle, and fuel rod gun Credits: Gunnergrunt and Ell3ment for making the Asset Canvas map rifte gifle for creating the Asset game Bungie for obvious reasons P.S. If you notice any sloppiness it's supposed to be there, the structures in the valley were built long before precision tools were invented. Download Asset Downfall Downoad Asset v2
This is a good start but the map needs more. It is too blank for me. Need more structures, cover, platforms and other buildings to not notice all of the empty space. But still looks good but I would go back an add more to it.
The map is designed that way. The brutes have vehicles and they have to have plenty of room to maneuver, but i'll add more cover in version 2. Any other suggestions?
Lol nice excuse. Anyway, I LOVE Asset maps, but I have honest with you - this is the worst Asset map I've seen yet. The map has FANTASTIC potential, though. That main structure - it's great! However, while the map LOOKS good, it doesn't posses the things an Asset map requires. While it has SOME cover, the map seems really blank. There's really nothing in it that contributes to the gameplay. Sorry, but no DL from me. BTW, keep making maps! You have great forging potential, and the more you forge, the better you'll get.
So why didnt you tell him how he can improve his map since you love assest maps so much. All he gets out of your post is that its just not good enough...thats it. Why dont you tell him how he make it better so maybe then you would download it. Im not to experianced in assest maps but I have to agree with others that it is to open and somewhat blank. I like how you did the main structure and put the rocket launcher under that one ramp. But instead of placing some random cover because thats what it seems when I forged through it. You could place some bigger stuctures there that could also serve a purpose to the map that would also serve as cover. I will try to play a game on your map tonight if not tomorrow and edit this about what the gameplay was like.
Guys, Version 2 is nearly done (I work fast), I've added a banshee, a banshee structure, added more to the helipad, created a 2 fingered hand-like structure, and more cover. Since I just posted Version 1, I'll just update this thread tomorrow and don't worry, I have tried my best to keep my additions clean.Will add pictures in about 30 min.
I got a game on this earlier today... and I must say we spawned as the stalker a lot. It's a good thing you didn't give 'em flamers is all I can say. It's nice to see Ell3ment and Gunnergrunt's asset canvas being used, so props for that! Added to the master list.
hmm have to work on the spawning... anyway here are the pictures I promised! Spoiler I know it may still seem a little empty but I'm down to a hundred bucks and vehicles still need to have room to maneuver
Hey man its looking better. Now there are actual structers instead of random items acting as cover. Looking better but dont know for a fact for the gameplay of it.
Yes, but the base is still looking a bit blank, he needs to make it larger or at least more spread out. And mabye some little chunks of cover, all of the cover is made from a monument. But this is just my idea, he is doing well though.