Angolazione(click for download) "Once the dwelling of a 23rd century cannabilistic tribe, the area is now deserted 2-6 players" Angolazione is a small map, made for 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 games. On the map, it is necessary to jump to get where you want, or at least in most cases. Walls place in a diamond way provide a way to get up to the next level. The map has two high points, but both of which have little cover and a fusion coil to boot. The areas, however, are the key points for map control, along with the sniper rifle. The overall shape of the map is an odd shape, in some ways a rectangle with areas jutting out. A key feature in the map is two pillars that block sight lines from one end to the other. These hold two purposes: 1. To combat spawn camping 2. Lessen the power of the sniper rifle The map is actually very small, but offers several areas where it is hard to get good shots off at to kill your opponent. I actually asked my friend to try and hide from me, and without even using camo I could not find him for a while. Lets get on to the weapons and perks list (respawn time, spare clips): x1 sniper rifle (150, 1) x1 mauler (150, 0) x4 Battle Rifle (30, 2) x4 Carbine (30, 2) x4 plasmas (30) x2 frags (30) x2 spikes (30( x1 regenerator (90) x2 spikers (90, 1) x4 SMGs (90, 1) x1 camo (120, place at start: no) ...and on to the screenshots Everyone loves 'em...SCREENSHOTS (all descriptions above screens) The back left side of the map, to the right is one of the two high points, and to the left is a small area created for safe spawning. The back right side of the map This area is also made for a safe spawning area. It is directly underneath one of the two, "high points,". A mauler is to the left of the closest forklift, and you have to crouch to retrieve it. This combined with its long respawn time and 0 clips, helps to make the mauler as not a powerful weapon as it can be on smaller maps. A straight on view of the aforementioned high spots. A carbine is behind the door. Also, if the opponent is underneath you, push the fusion coil down off the door, and it will set off a few propane tanks. This actually happened to me in testing, so look out below! ...on we go to some nice gameplay pics, with some interesting captions. That plasma was connected to my face 0.02938 seconds later...why he was crouching under there... I do not know. My opponent came up behind me and was about to assassinate me by crouching and with invis...until I turned around and no scoped him in the face. "Hmmmm, no scope or sticky... sticky or no scope" (I chose sticky). And yes, he had NO idea I was there the whole time, as I was crouching until I stood up to stick him. The sniper spawns here. Oh and as soon as he walked around the corner he received a complementary stick to the face. An example of the aforementioned explosion from pushing the fusion coil off the high point. I'm some where in that explosion, crouching, and dead. I still can't see my friend right behind me in this picture. I was assassinated after the picture Angolazione(click for download)
Your maps are very different from others, I love how you think outside the box. You put time and effort in your work, and I think that is worth my Download .
this looks very nice, sadly i fear that it may be drowned by the flood of "ub3r 1337 l3g3nD4rY M4pz0rZ" but i sincerely hope it survives.
lolz, that's kind of what has happened to my other maps that I posted, and I think I have told someone to look at the "How to Post a Map" thread 10 times in the last two days, and had one PM me calling me out. Oh well, FH can always use some more members, because one of them could always become a great forger Thanks man! If you ever want to forge with me or just play some customs or matchmaking just FR me @ Villain92. Thanks bro.
ok, a little criticism here... I can see you have great interlocking skills but at first glance it doesnt seem appealing to the eye. I see things interlocked almost everywhere but you didnt do it very neatly. I dont know if I am makin any sense to you right now, but its neat but not apeealing to the eye. just saying that i have seen your other maps and they are much better. '' Wow... thats one hefty post i got here ^^
I think I kind of understand what your saying, its just that this map was one of those, "crazy map with interlocking everywhere," maps. It was kind of the point. Some of the things are interlocked oddly because they are there to provide cover, such as the place where the sniper spawns. Thanks for the criticism though, I'll try to make my next map a cleaner interlocked map.
I love your descriptions! XD "That plasma was connected to my face 0.02938 seconds later...why he was crouching under there... I do not know." XD DL'ing