Crypt Quarter Canvas By IM BE DUM Hallo forge hub! This is a canvas that has a perfect quarter segment of the crypt. You can use this to forge on but it is also set up to play on free for all as like an arena or whatever so Enjoy! Pictures Download
The flaw of this is that by making walls with specific objects, it restrics the objects that people can use to build the map itself. If you let people build their own walls then they can use whatever they wish to construct the map then use leftovers to build walls.
Lol im not gonna lie. Me and my buddies do paintball maps and there will be an upcoming thread on that eventually but i need a small place and im looking at the and thinking "Well son of a ***** how ironic can this be?". Thank you man.
Its usefull, true. But there are some problems. One, like Meteor said above. It limits what people can use, and how big they may want it. Of course, if they want to make their own walls they should, eh? Second. If it is a canvas, then it conflicts with the whole "Original Object" problem that occurs on Sandbox. Even though most people just delete an amount of the original objects from Stacked maps, they still save you a few items. Its usefull, but ehh.
I agree with meteor's comment, but this is pretty helpful and for an area so small, budget and object limits would be less of a problem. If I ever build a map this size, I will use this.
I reckon you should've made this out of Wall, T's and Wall Corners, as they would be the least used items. Or make it out of a little bit of every wall 'cept Wall, Slits. Walls and Double Walls are the most used walls, so following what I said (and what many others have said) this would be much improved.
Really straight and well forged but you lose a lot of walls from your invintory but i guess if your map is that small you probably dont need that many walls any way so w it dosent matter so much 4.65/5
nice idea, but yeah, double walls are really commonly used. and this shouldn't be posted in the competitive section.
I only used 18 double walls and single walls which isn't that much and since the map is so small if you need more then 22 double walls and single walls your making a goddamn maze and if people want to place there own walls then you can make you own I just made this so if people want an nice clean area to forge in if you don't like it don't use it simple as that. Thanks for the comments -IM BE DUM
This should be moved to Aesthetics. For the map though, it's nice that you are trying to help other people by making this.
I'm with IM BE DUM. For a map this small 22 walls is more than enough... and with ghost merging common knowledge walls can be used less. Besides This area is the same size if not smaller then foundry and foundry only had something like 20 walls...this has 22. I downloaded and im making a 1v1 so thanks. It works fine for me.
Ignore the critisism. This is an amazing blank non ONL canvas. I DL'ed and you wouldnt believe how smooth the walls are. Amazing map, if in the wrong section.
thanks for the comment but it does belong here because like i've said it's set up for to be like fundry or octagon so technically it's a slayer map.
Dont listen to most of these people, this was a great idea. It doesnt matter for budget if its smaller, and as far as using walls go, you dont have to DL this, if you think its better with something else, make your own. The reality is most people are not going to need every single wall for something this size, this will most likly be used by people making small cover games or mini games, You got my DL.
All canvas maps are considered aesthetic maps. Mostly because if I were to play a game of slayer on this map as it is right now with no cover and no weapons it would turn out badly. Because someone will make this canvas into something that will automatically make it an aesthetic map. No debate. No comment. Either way I have to say this map is somewhat useful, but the matter is every item counts. Using other alternative items for walls would be better, but I don't care. If somebody finds it useful I'm happy. And if a mod could move it that would be great. And also, are the walls merged into the sides?
It would be hard to fit the max amount of walls in a space like that if it were made using other objects, i think you did fine.
Jesus, If you guys wanna use something besides walls as the walls, then use those as guidelines to build your alternates against, don't expect him to rebuild for you.
Why expect someone to build it in the first place? So it uses a load of double walls, have you taken a step back and actually looked at what you're criticizing? *waits for others to step back* Thats right. Its an empty map with 2 walls on it and some how its still got more responces than actual maps!