Okay iv'e been ddos attacked twice before and it is kinda frustrating how you can do nothing at all, and by my understanding it is basicly your DNS blocking any connections from coming to your modem. Okay so I have a question. My router allows me to put custom DNS services in the settings. Does this mean if I were to get DDOS attacked, I could just change my DNS in the router settings for an hour or so untill the attack is over? Or is the DNS setting for only if your DNS is actually working so you can connect to the new DNS? Thanks for anyone that clears this up for me!
DDOS means your external IP is being bombarded by a shitload of fake requests. Customizing DNS on your router would only have an effect on internal DHCP (or static, if that's what you're using) IP addresses. Not much you can do other than to ask your ISP to change your IP address for you on your modem.
Okay that is what I needed to know. I geuss you cant stop them then ;l Was the you meant to be YOU or was it a legitimate question asking why someone would DDOS someone else? I hope it was the second because I would take the 1st as an insult.