Debate 'No Russian' Out of Line?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FreshLegend, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Damn, I guess your opinion and anyone who agrees with you is the only one that matters. Oh well, I'm sure us people with the wrong opinions will live.
  2. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Besides the fact that you meant "empathy," not "sympathy," that was perhaps one of the most shortsighted comments I've ever read.
  3. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Yes, because even though I stated that I felt emotional over it totally means I didn't. Yeah. You obviously know what you are talking about.

    I even stated how it could provoke terrorism of some kind, but honestly, the only people who would actually do something because they saw it in a video game are either a) too young to be playing the damn game in the first place, b) have a mental disorder/are troubled/haven't been taught the difference between what's right and wrong and shouldn't even be playing violent videos at all. It's like saying 'Mario will provoke kids to go eat shrooms and jump on turtles because Mario does it.' Someone might do it, but I doubt anyone over the age of five or anyone with a certain degree of intelligence would even consider it.

    The level was fun, I enjoyed it immensely, however I didn't kill a single civilian. I enjoyed the intensity and the emotion displayed in it, which is a first for me in a video game.

    To sum up my point, no. I won't cut the crap about it being emotional because, well, it is emotional. Maybe not to you, but to some people it is. Also, it's obvious this wasn't implemented into the game just to sell more copies of the game, the level fuels the entire story for the rest of the game, a story that obviously took a certain degree of thought to plan out and write, no doubt. Saying it was only a way to get more money and is completely ignorant.
  4. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I'd have to say that I agree with my friend. People are too uptight now a days. To quote him "Oh no... you're killing innocent pixels, oh my god. People take video games too seriously."

    I honestly agree. Think about it, when you play a video game, you're thrusted in a world that's technically a movie, or perhaps similar to a book. When people read, they get an image of what's happening in their mind, they can imagine what's going on. If they read this part in the book, they would envision in themselves. Same thing with a movie, you can view what happens. I guess the only difference between the both is that you play the part, you ARE the person who does it. Thing is that it's just another point of view.

    Anyways, to get to the whole terrorist act thing, sure it's disturbing and if you can't take it then you have the option to skip. Honestly it's not like it's real life, it's just a game, a scene technically. I didn't feel a thing, honestly I found it fun because it's a video game.
  5. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    i dont think anything was wrong with it.The creators of the game are trying to sell the image of a terroisst attack and I think they did it perfectilly.the only time i think a game goes out of line is when extreme sexual content is included,not that i hav something wrong with that...
  6. Large Pizza

    Large Pizza Ancient

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    I have to be honest...the level didn't bother me at all.
  7. ForgeMasta

    ForgeMasta Ancient
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    Is this the only level that is skipped in the option in the beginning? Because I played it and was disturbed by all of the death but I love the game as a whole. Please answer me.
  8. 1shawn1

    1shawn1 Ancient
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    Yes, this is the only level that can be skipped.
  9. FreshLegend

    FreshLegend Ancient
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    Wow. yes theyre just pixels. but theyre representing real people. those who get emotional over it obviously arent saying "ohh godd, i just killed innocent pixels". Theyre thinking about doing in real life, or the possibility of a similar even happening in reality.

    And we all know its possible.

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