Call of Duty series gets third studio

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bloo Jay, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Honestly, instead of getting a game out there every year, just let IW and Treyarch release the game whenever the hell they want. Seriously, if they game is only going to be in production for the year or two, It's going to suck. Now three games of the series, all in different times, is going to kill it.

    Activision and their thirst for money.
  2. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Or, you could look on the brighter side of things and presume that you'll still be getting one CoD game every year, but now on a three year development cycle, instead of assuming they'll stick to the two year cycle and release faster than one per year. Or it could be something entirely different, like the final paragraph there mentions.

    No matter what direction this goes, we need more details first.
  3. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    This is only bad news for me. I will not buy a Call of Duty game that wasn't made by IW.

    Future productions are usually in the making before the current production is even out, but i do agree, developers setting timescales sucks, its the reason why the Battiefield series has gone down the pan.

    Also Treyarch are fail. Cuban Missile crisis game? Nothing good will come from this...
  4. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    I hope that this new company is like Infinity Ward, meaning that they add stuff, because in my opinion, Treyarch takes what's already there, and tweak it.
    #4 IDave the Rave, Nov 21, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2009
  5. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Yeah. The only thing Treyarch added was **** Zombies, and I'm sure that it was a last minute add-on.
  6. Bomb Champion

    Bomb Champion Ancient
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    No, it had been in development for a while. They first unveiled it June 08, and it was pretty much finished I believe.
  7. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    June 08 is close to the end of World At War's Production schedule. You need a good month or two to beta test the entire game, mulitplayer, etc.
  8. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Ye, and to be honest considering that seems to be the only thing they added (or at least that I can think of right now), **** Zombies could have been ALOT better.
  9. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Also if you look at it this way instead of IW making a game one year and then the next year Treyarch.Now a third studio being added to the mix, might make IW and Treyarch spend more time on there game. Ex:

    2007: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: Years worked on- guessing 2 years
    2008: Call of Duty: World at War: Years worked on- guessing 1.5-2 years
    2009: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Years worked on- 2 years
    2010: Call of Duty:????(treyarchs cold war game) Which theyve probaly been working on for 2 years
    2011: Call of Duty: (possible game from third studio)
    2012: Call od duty: Modern Warfare 3(hopefully) now been worked on for three years instead of the normal 2, because of third studio releasing a game last year, and so on

    Now being two companys working on the same series weve seen each of them create a game every other year. Now with a third studio added in there will be more time fo IW and Treyarch to polish the game that they would be working on.

    Now this all just an educated guess. I could be completely wong, but this was just what i thought.
  10. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    More than likely the studio will be in charge of crappy hand-helds, spinoffs and cell games. Adding a third studio into a three year cycle seems ridiculous. IW cods games bring in big bucks every 2 years, why shorten that? Activision realizes that IW outsells Treyarch games, so I have a feeling another dev is just to handle those near pointless variations of the game, like the Wii versions (lol). This would give the other two more time and manpower on the real games.
  11. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    we can only hope so. activision games can be cheesy in my mind, im not a fan of them. i just wanna see some new xbox games out.

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