CnC plz, it was my first sig in PS so please be leniant. Don't say anything about the crappy text either, I had a big problem with it.
The lighting effect on the gun is cool, but I would suggest moving it down a bit because it doesn't seem in line with the end of the barrel of Samus' gun.
Both pretty good for beginner sigs. I remember I made one like your second one when I first started...Lemme see if I can find it... Meh, wasn't as much like it as I thought
This actually looks really great...The gun shot really caught my eye and I like how it actually looks realistic.
The first one is alright, there is alot of 'mess' to the right of the sig tho :\ Clean that up a bit. The second one, ahah I did that tutorial too when I was just starting to make sigs Good work, keep practicing!