The Crypt

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Highimpact1, Dec 27, 2007.

  1. Highimpact1

    Highimpact1 Ancient
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    This is a map built from the ground up (literally, it's a 3 story building) to be made for infection. Taking over 8 hours to build, and another 4 hours to playtest, this map is guaranteed to be the most fun infection you have ever played.

    Here is a link to the Map- "Crypt"

    (I'm going change these urls to just show to pictures)





    An Elite Team of Special Ops are sent into a mysterious Crypt to investigate the disappearance of an artifact retrieval team.

    This map is made to play on the Into the Crypt Gametype.

    Special Settings
    110% Speed
    100% Gravity
    No Shields
    Sword Use Only
    Zombie Color

    75% Speed
    100% Gravity
    No Shields
    Starting Weapon- Shotgun
    Secondary Weapon- None
    Weapon Pickup On

    Last Man Standing:
    110% Speed
    100% Gravity
    200% Shields
    Weapon Pickup On
    Waypoint for All

    How to Play
    Humans start out on the lowest level and must work together to make their way through the Crypt. Zombies can spawn nearly anywhere in the Crypt and thus are able to attack from the front and behind, so it is absolutely necessary to work as a team. Humans first make their way through the first two floors, then must fight through the Hallway, and finally get to the final floor, which is littered with weapon and is the only defensible position. There are no zombie spawn points in the final floor, and there are several barricades and a flamethrower.

    You can find a short film of an overview of this map Here.

    Thanks for reading about my Map, and if you like is Please Comment & Rate. You know how hard it is to get noticed on the Forums these days, and I really hope many people get a chance to play this map. Thanks!
  2. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please embedd you images using
    [img]IMAGE URL HERE[/img]
    You will get more downloads and comments if people dont have to click links.

  3. Romath

    Romath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just to help you, Please make the links to the images work, Because when I click them. A figure pops up on my screen telling me, indeed that image is not availible.
  4. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    And also... I keep getting the screenshot not found picture...
  5. mackmack

    mackmack Ancient
    Senior Member

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    :mad: (No link to map, and your pics are broken. :mad:
  6. Highimpact1

    Highimpact1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry about that, everything should be fixed now. :)
  7. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Re: The Crypt (Pictures Fixed)

    Ok so first things first... don't take screenshots from a Forge Game... those white spawn dots are frustrating and detract from screenshots.

    Second... your map looks cluttered... it looks like some of the items you took time to place and the others were kinda thrown around... walking seems limited in the hallways...

    Third... you show the overview of the structure, but nothing from inside the structure... I don't know what it's like being inside of the crypt... you want to show off that feel of the map.

    Fourth... Teleporters detract from a serious map... avoid using AT ALL COSTS... or if you do it atleast make them look nice... point the lights on it in obvious directions and such.

    Fifth... I noticed a few wholes in the structure, allowing you to see out while inside... this should be limited as much as possible by laying things down perfectly to make better fits and leave no wholes. The reason why I would limit the out seeing wholes, is because it dtracts from the feel of the map. Having a memorable feel from the map will grab more attention and have people spread the word of your map.

    I hope that helped... I rarely spend time to comment on maps in the Forge Maps section...
  8. Highimpact1

    Highimpact1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: The Crypt (Pictures Fixed)

    Thank you AZN, I will take those suggestions to heart.

    The first thing you mentioned was the forge taken pictures. I'm looking at the screenshots and your completely correct, hopefully I should be able to post much better pictures in the future.

    Also you mentioned the map was cluttered. This is acually on purpose, because I tried to make it look and feel a little cluttered while the objects still serve good strategic positions. I felt this gave an advantage to the zombies, while keeping a suspenseful feel ingame.

    I think I didn't explain this map well enough, which is completely my fault. The inside of the struction is seperated into three floors, and each one is essentially a series of winding passages. I admit the reason I didn't take pictures of inside is because of the quantity of pictures needed, although I did consider deleting each story to take a picture of each floor. You are right of course, that I didn't capture the feel for the map, and I will endeavour to do that for future maps.

    Again a flaw in my explanation. The idea of the map is that you make your way through each floor to the teleporter, which brings you to the next floor in turn. Once you make your way through two floors, and the hallway, you proceed to the third and final floor. This is the only defensable human position, and has many weapons (With very low ammo) inside. To be clear, it is very hard to survive to the last floor, and I tried to make the map so that at least half of the humans die before they reach the final floor.

    As for the structural flaws, I'm not the greatest forger. :-[
    You are completely correct, becuase I should have taken more time in creating the building. On the upside, when you are inside there are not many places you can see the outsie.

    Thank you very much for your advice, It truly helps. :)

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