Sandbox Its Football on A Footy Pitch!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by KillerOllie96, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. KillerOllie96

    KillerOllie96 Ancient

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    Its Football on A Footy Pitch!

    Hello and welcome to my first ever map on ForgeHub. Its a football game, as you can guess by the name, and you are on Mongooses (I think thats how its said!). The object is simple, get the golf ball into the opposing teams goal. Then, suicide, grab the Oddball, and win! Best of 5 Rounds, max. players 10, 5 a team (Red Vs Blue).


    This is the Reds Goal. Sometimes, Blue will spawn at this goal and will have to defend this goal instead of the blue goal. Also, the blue goal is the same, but the red lights are replaces with blue lights! Thats the only difference!


    Now, suicide!


    When you suicide, you spawn here. One teams spawn is a one side, and the other team spawns the other side. The only way of getting to the Oddball is by scoring! Once you grab the Oddball, you go Gold and get one point for your team. Best of 5 rounds.

    Made by:


    And tested by:

    xAx HUNTER xAx:

    Here is a view of the new corner (Sorry, but I couldnt get in on PhotoBucket!): : Halo 3 File Details

    If you are wondering, here is how the Spawning and Tube works:

    Everyone spawns with a mongoose in the crypt. When you die, it send you to a tube in the skybubble. There is an Oddball in the middle of the tube. Due to teleporters that lead to Killballs and Man Cannons, its impossable toget to the Oddball. The only way of getting the Oddball is to block off the teleporter, which is in the opposing teams Killball/Goal. When this is blocked, you can easly get to the killball. But to stop other teams from getting the Oddball, this has been made:

    One team will respawn at one side of the tupe, while the other team will spawn at the other side, with teleporters behind each of the teams respawns, taking you to the Mongooses. The Oddball is inbetween the teams in the tube, but between the teams and the Oddball are Teleporter and Man Cannons. Like I said, the only way of getting throught these teleporters without dying is by blocking the teleporter, which is in the other teams Killball/Goal, with a golfball!

    If you still dont get it, try the map and see for yourself!

    P.S. The two big names (Olli96 and xAx) are on the map!
    Thats it! Hope you love it! Heres the links:
    Its Football on A Footy Pitch!

    Also, can someone please find out what is wrong with this King of the kill Gametype?

    And thanks again to xAx HUNTER xAx!

    Hope you like it!
    #1 KillerOllie96, Nov 20, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2009
  2. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dude, be patient. not everyone is awake at 7AM PST.

    ok, the idea is interesting. I only have one question, what's to stop someone from just killing themselves at the beginning? if there's nothing, then you should make that an honor rule.
  3. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ^above post^the teleporter.
    OP this map looks cool, but not too original and overdone. using mongooses is unique because you cant jack them so that would get rid of an honor rule.overall nice map bro.i likethe idea of the mancannons too. pretty cool i played one that had some terrain in it, i believe it was seaboro kibbles party, and you should add some bumps to the floor and stuff. is there anything in place to keep the ball from being corner crammed? if i were you i would place ramps, or if you want it to look purdy geo merge some walls and stuff around the border to keep the ball from getting stuck.
    #3 xWooden leafx, Nov 20, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2009
  4. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks cool but how do you score points? (how did you set it up so that getting tbe bal in the goal would be a point?)
  5. KillerOllie96

    KillerOllie96 Ancient

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    Sorry, I live in UK!

    If you kill yourself at the beggining, nothing will happen. Try it out! Its impossable to get the Oddball!

    To get points, you grab the Oddball, which you can only get if your team has scored!

    Thnks for the comments!
    #5 KillerOllie96, Nov 20, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2009
  6. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you apologized for what reason? did you not understand a post? because if it is mine than i will be glad to clarify.
  7. KillerOllie96

    KillerOllie96 Ancient

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    I apologized because I didnt know that you where all asleep!
  8. pinkyandthesheep

    Senior Member

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    hey bud, I think you replied to the wrong person.
    I am guessing you meant to reply to the guy that said "be patient"
    but you replied to the go under that I think.
    IDK, but yeah.
    The map, seems pretty interesting. I still don't understand how people can not just go through the killball right way. Would you mind explainin how that works?
  9. KillerOllie96

    KillerOllie96 Ancient

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    Okay, sure:

    Everyone spawns with a mongoose in the crypt. When you die, it send you to a tube in the skybubble. There is an Oddball in the middle of the tube. Due to teleporters that lead to Killballs and Man Cannons, its impossable toget to the Oddball. The only way of getting the Oddball is to block off the teleporter, which is in the opposing teams Killball/Goal. When this is blocked, you can easly get to the killball. But to stop other teams from getting the Oddball, this has been made:

    One team will respawn at one side of the tupe, while the other team will spawn at the other side, with teleporters behind each of the teams respawns, taking you to the Mongooses. The Oddball is inbetween the teams in the tube, but between the teams and the Oddball are Teleporter and Man Cannons. Like I said, the only way of getting throught these teleporters without dying is by blocking the teleporter, which is in the other teams Killball/Goal, with a golfball!

    If you still dont get it, try the map and see for yourself!

    Hope this helped!
    #9 KillerOllie96, Nov 20, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2009
  10. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh. lol i feel dumb now. but yeah, you should definitely put some ramps up to keep the ball from getting stuck against the walls. if you dont know how to geomerge, i could do it for you and give you credit for the map. with a simplistic map like this, it doesn't take much to perfect, so i suggest you try your best to perfect it. such as aesthetic touches and such.
  11. KillerOllie96

    KillerOllie96 Ancient

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    Okay then. I know how to Ghost Merge. Is this okay?

    Okay Guy, I have added 4 state of the art corners!
    Just follow this link to the new map!
    Also, its in the thread!
    Here is a view of the new corner (Sorry, but I couldnt get in on PhotoBucket!): : Halo 3 File Details
    And here is a link to the new map: : Halo 3 File Details
    Hope you enjoy! But also, I would like to try out this King of the Hill gametype. Its the same, but for some reason, It doesnt work properly. If someone else can find the problem, that would be great! If not, we will just have to use the oddball!
    King of the Hill: : Halo 3 File Details

    Also, I have added new Man cannons, grav Lifts, and Shield Doors!
    For the newest version, click here!

    Any more ideas, please comment!

    Hope this helped!
    #11 KillerOllie96, Nov 21, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2009

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