Hi, New To Forge Hub. Just Like to Share My New Map. Called SandWorld. Inspired by the CounterStrike "IceWorld" This Is A Small Map That supports up to 12 players and 2 different teams. The Gametype is called CounterStrike. Download Gametype Download Map Thankyou.
Glad to see some new maps by new users! Here are some things I strongly suggest you should add: More visuals... You need more than 3 pics.. and maybe a youtube video.. if you're good at that kinda stuff. Gameplay description.. Right now we really have no idea how the game works or anything. Weapons/equipment list - some people like this, some don't really mind. Gametype attributes - again, some people like this, some don't care. These will really help you get more downloads/comments/ratings.
Sorry man. But I cant even being to give my opinion on the map. There just arent enough screenshots. All we can see is one hallway, and a bit of another one. We needa see the whole map. Since it looks like an anside map, I reccomend making a youtube video, or "rendering video" on Bunge.net
I think what you meant to say was "I cannot even begin to give my opinion on this map as I have not downloaded and played it. Therefore my opinions on this map may not be accurate as they would be solely based off screenshots and not actual gameplay." /rant
With maps with a ceiling you should go into forge delete the ceiling DO NOT SAVE and take a screen shot without the ceiling to give people an overview of the map. Just because your map is entirely enclosed does not mean overviews are unnecessary. Note: An overview is not required but it will afford your map many more downloads.
LOLZ some one just got called out haha. Anyway i do agree on the screenshots/ overview shot. I am known to dl maps just to see what their like and give my review, hell iv downloaded maps with no pics at all just a good description. Anyway my box is on the shitter atm so i'll just bookmark this and get back to ya with an indepth review.
As stated by most everyone else, I can't judge much, but your interlocking seems pretty impressive for a first map on the site. (I can't say much either since I haven't even posted a map... )
I do not download maps unless I know what I am downloading. I usually base my judgements on the screenshots to begin with, then possibly download the map to confirm my opinion.