Foreshadow is my newest Sandbox map, this time taking place on the main level. It's going to hold games of 4v4 to hopefully 8v8. It features four large archways looming above the map and many structures underneath them. As of now, there are 2 snipers, 2 warthogs, 2 choppers, 2 ghosts, 2 mongooses, 2 hammers, 4 brute shots, 2 rocket launchers, 2 missile pods, 1 laser, and an overshield. There'll be some BR's and other more minor weapons throughout the map as well. Here you get a good look at red base: This is a good view of some of the structures towards the middle of blue side: One Overview: Another Overview: Tell me what you think. I'll be hoping to get tests in this weekend if I'm not flooded with homework.
The map looks like it will work out well for Team Slayer and CTF. One thing that I've been noticing with a lot of new maps is the cube design being a key focus. Anyways I like it. I'll also be DLing when it comes out.
I'm loving the look of this Ace. The aesthetics are orgasmic and the design is looking nice. But you may have a few complaints about too much ground combat from what I can see, but then again I can't know from just looking at it. Either way, I'm definetely looking out for this map.
Those bending structures look incredible and give a unqiue almost haunting (or a more specific word I can't think of) look to the map. Good job so far and try to get it tested to see how the gameplay is, but i'll DL when it is posted.
looks really cool, but a bit unilevel. good maps have a bit more elevation change usually. you have some higher structures, but those really are just bases, not geometry for the map. the skills are their, and the arches are impressive, but the gameplay seems a bit dull.
Looking nice, really it is I always love the flow and look and your maps so i cant be dissapointed by this one. Really like the first pic, those stone platforms look super!
There's no Banshee... I really like that Forerunner style you have to your main sandbox area maps. The Brute Chopper area looks uniquely done. It looks to be a promising map so far. Good luck on the completion.
Well there was, it was where that chopper was at, I just overlooked it I guess. Also, don't talk to me like I'm a dumbass. I kind of still wish it was a banshee, but being as you made the map, I am sure it was taken out for a good cause. Plus boosting off of that platform with a chopper has to be hella fun.
This is what I think Spoiler [sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup][sup]<3[/sup] Ace I love how you always make your map go that extra mile. Giant Aesthetics, great looking gameplay and lots o' vehichles. Great looker, and I'm definately testing this beast. I still love everything you do. Great lookin map from a great forger. Congrats. :]
Well, if you are talking about the map having a Banshee in its earlier stages, I can say that it is certainly not my fault if I was not aware of that. Moreover, the thread itself did not show any sign of the map containing a Banshee, so you cannot blame me. As for that dumbass statement you made, how was I talking to you like one? All I said was "There is no Banshee..." and nothing more. My intention was to correct you, not to insult you.
Well then I apologize, (I hate how one can write a comment and have it completely misconstrued through text) I was wrong to quickly jump to the comment that I left. But yes, to further clarify, it did have a banshee on the red base where the chopper currently lies. No hard feelings. --- Back to the map, I love the name, but it seems like it may be a common name, are you sure there aren't any others using it? (I'm not saying that their is... it just seems like there could be.)
The name of the map fits. It's almost like these structures are foreshadowing the conflict on the ground.
To be honest, I haven't worked on this in while. Last time I did, I was working on a total revamping of the map's geometry. Don't expect it to come out anytime soon. I still have a lot of work to do on it.
Very artistic creations you have come up with here it looks great aesthetically. I'll give it a DL when it's released.