Hello everyone, this is the first map I've posted to this site, and I think its a crazy one. I've made lots of other maps, but this is my first avalanche level, and took me roughly 30 to 35 hours to build. It is my faveroute level and I only released it on my file share late yesterday. I had a very, very (lol) small hand from my good mates, II MCNUNN II, and StinkyFeet89. Although I caught one of them altering it yesterday, lol. Anyway I have proof of my build and many many sceenies, I just lack a youtube vid at the moment though. Anyway this level is special, its not your average map, and makes amazing use of the forge filter , FX Juicy. Its special beacause the entire level is inside the jump canyon only, and the level is made up of suspended light trails, and it looks stunning with Juicy, this made is for screenshots galore. But dont be fooled, not only does it look pretty, it is perfectly playable, and damn fun at the same time I think. You'll find plenty of time master new and fun jumps, and learning where to find the good weapons. And if you happen to miss one of those jumps, the level is very forgiving. In the rare case that you do fall, most of the time you'll find you drop to a lower platform below. This level, despite being inside the jump canyon only, is very big. It can be played with any sized party, the larger the better. I left a nice surprise for you all if you look out the window (barrier) at the start, there is one each side. Going through the jump cannons themselves are now something of an experience themselves. Just dont go through them sideways, you might throw up. The map it self has has hours of though into planning and mapping. You'll find everything in a suitable spot, with decent (some altered) spawn times and points. Although its not the biggest map, I have sperated roughly 40 spawn points all through out the map. Weapons are as follows: There are 2 sniper towers at each end, containing................snipers, lol. 5 Battle rifles scattered throughout the level for all you beloved MLG fans. But you will have to work for it. 2 Carbines. 1 Needler. 2 Plasma pistols. 2 Smegs 2 Magnums 1 sword 1 flamethrower several plasma and frag grenades scattered throughout. Also 2 bubble shields, 1 regenarator and 1 grav lift. The level itself isnt too symetrical, but the weapon and equipment placement is. Altough this is on Avalanche, it plays alot more like Blackout if anything, and pictures look pretty, but they dont do this map any justice. Everything in this level is completely square, it is all dead flat, something I had trouble perfecting seeing as its above a canyon. But me and some friends all think I pulled it off. The level its is again Juicy, but please feel free to remove it if you wish, it is located at the roof of the cavern on top of the flamethrower box. Ok so you know about it, so lets see some pics: Here is a small slideshow, abowse my profile if you wish to view the pictures one by one Just a screenie to give a taste of what to expect. Another in game shot. Look closely, you can see me half way accross the man cannon. Under the lower canyon in forge. Last in game shot Across a jump cannon. This
WELL DONE!I am speechless,this looks extremely fun and almost puzzling at the same time!You have my DL
Welcome to ForgeHub. I see you have failed to meet minimum Standerds. There MUST be a link towards your EXACT file. not your whole file share. This Thread will now be banned by a Moderator
Whoops sorry man, I posted it accidently by mistake, if you go back to the index, I finished it off properly with links. This thread might as well be locked, lol sorry.
I see you have failed to meet criteria of NO DOUBLE POSTING. You may have a account ban of up to 24 hours. If you need further advice PM either me or a Moderater. Enjoy ForgeHub
Look at this map link it should show you how to make your cavern level better http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=19760677&postRepeater1-p=1
um this map doesnt need to be locked it does pass the standards u just have to edit it and it is not a sceond account because ui can look at his post so dont assume things because he gave a complement......just edit it and add a link