Does anyone else miss the good old days where almost all gametypes were in matchmaking playlists? I used to enjoy playing VIP, Territories, Team KOTH, etc... in Big Team Battle and Skirmish. I think that Bungie needs to spice up their matchmaking playlists because they consist of Slayer, CTF and Assault for about 80% of Team playlists and Slayer, KOTH and Oddball for all FFA games. If Bungie would let you add gametypes into playlists, what would you add? I would update BTB and Skirmish/Throwback with KOTH (controlling large areas), Team VIP (one sided and multi VIP), Territories (make it more common) and Team Oddball. I don't understand why there is never anything new to matchmaking. They could atleast update Double EXP with a gametype because it is the same 4 playlists (griffball, infection, Team Flag, Territories) for most of the weekends... If it isnt one of those it is 3 ball or Fiesta...
But I mean you need to be lucky to get it, it's not sure fact that you can go in there and pick up a game of Rocket Race.
I have very fond memories of Territories on Valhalla. I even have a vid on my fileshare from one, I think. I always enjoyed Territories in Big Team, but it always seemed to get vetoed... I guess it's good that Bungie changes to fit what the players want. I just wish the players were smart enough to play the more challenging gametypes that take a little strategy instead of just shooting people...
I've always stuck to Slayer just because I don't like the maps I get in other gametypes. Like Shaddo, I'm a fan of territories, but can never get it in matchmaking.
If conquest gets pushed through they should defiantly add territories. I remember big team territories on Water works. Dam that was fun.
dont bring that up... i may have been with aceofspades, helping with some tests, but we played a paintball map which sssuucckked! we ended up hiding in the spawn and loling about stuff in the final round. anyway, on topic: i miss the olld action sack from halo 2. why does we has to play bad new action sack? ORLY? i guess i need to remember how to boost, and fast. i only has nearly 6 weeks :O
I really used to love Juggernaut, what happened to that! I try to use that in gametypes as much as possible. I wish that we wouldn't ***** out slayer and team slayer and bring back some classics, yet i don't repect Bungie anymore ever since an e-mail incedent, but that set aside i just want people to play ninjanaut, i always thought that casual gameplay was so fun.
I still think that competitive VIP needs to make a return. It used to be so much fun playing BTB VIP on maps like Sandtrap and Valhalla. Sandtrap because it would enforce the use of the Elephant Valhalla because it was just great. The only VIP games in matchmaking are multi team and rocket race...
And playing them is not fun at all… Personally, I want to see Territories and Juggernaut more. In Team Control, Territories on Valhalla was fun as hell. Juggernaut is just awesome. Enough said. Also, Conquest is what I want in matchmaking. That's why I joined CIM.
Bungie really should be more open minded, about maps and gametypes. After all, it was a risk when they introduced Rocket Race or Grifball, why not do a Juggarnaut weekend or Conquest weekend? If the gametype works, go for it!