this is my first map ON FORGE HUB and it is Veeeerrrrryyyy loosely based on my first EVER map, Grime the basis of this map is to get from the warthog/mongoose position to the hornet on top of the tower. Overview The double blocks are to indicate where future buildings will go. I hope for some good feedback and hints on how i can make it better Now some more pics! : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details The map is coming along nicely I added the red lights to tint everything and make it look more like a ruined city here are some more pics (embeded this time) "omg really?!" Heres the updated overview the collapsed building and the whole map again
Try to just embed these pics since you have them on bungie already. There are TONS of tutorials on how to do this on the site. By the way welcome! On to the map. It looks great! The balcony is actually really cool looking. Just keep expanding and you'll have yourself and great start and introduction to the site!
This actually looks like it could be a great city/urban map. My advise: don't rush it. There looks to be a few sloppy parts that you should go around and fix. Just interlock a few of those double boxes laying around. Shouldn't be that hard. Also, you should make it support all gametypes, instead of just infection or VIP. It could easily support slayer or even one epic one-sided CTF game.
Cool thanks for the input Phenominal- yeah i didnt embed the pics cuz that would requre making a whole photoshop profile and im lazy Cory- yeah im gunna fix that stuff later the double blocks are temporary to give an idea of the city
Being too lazy to make a PS account isn't really an option. Embeding screenhots is actually one of the requirements to meet the standards. It is possible that you could even recieve a warning for improperly posting your screenshots. The map itself looks good though. Keep up the good work and take your time.
Wow, this map is looking even better. The only advise I can give you now is try and make the rubble a little better. It looks a little awkward the way its set up. Maybe try and make it smaller, and put holes through it so you can shoot through it, but not walk or jump over it. Also, try and use smaller pieces, since it makes it a little more realistic.
yeah you can get through the rubble now and i replaced the HUGE piece at the top to make it more realistic. besides that i havent done much but its moven along.
Lol, photoshop? I think you mean photobucket Anyways, for a map that uses minimal forge glitching it's actually really creative. And I don't know your intentions on whether or not you plan on sticking in some merging, but if not just remember to keep the map really clean. And your building with the hornet on top is pretty sexy.