Sandbox Asset: Monolith

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Rifte, Nov 7, 2009.

  1. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Asset Map Pack

    Style: Holdout
    8-14 players recommended(even teams)
    Creator: rifte gifle

    Monolith is the first released map for the Asset map pack. Once in the game, players will definitely feel more vulnerable than in Protocol. The only 'enclosed' area is the bottom tunnel, which is dangerous for fighting back covenant troops. Although open and offers plenty of area where the covenant could come in from, it's still your best bet at survival.

    See here for an in depth guide to how Asset works, as well as how to make your own asset maps!

    The escape vehicle for this map is a hornet. It will spawn at 3 minutes in the horseshoe like structure at the top of the base. There will be plenty of vehicles coming your way, and to help you fight back are 2 sniper rifles, a missile pod, and rockets.

    Defeneders spawn

    Hornet spawn(3 minutes)

    While you do have the vehicular and power advantage, the ODST have height over you. Watch out for incoming missile pods. You will have every class available for you in combat. Chieftain spawns with grav hammer.

    Brutes wait here for 20 seconds to give the humans and Vergil a chance to get ready. To keep you occupied is a strip pole. Enjoy!

    Outside of brute regular spawn
    Teleporter on the left takes you to the battlefield, the one on the right takes you to the banshee spawn.
    Banshee spawn.
    This is what happens to those who attempt to spawn kill.

    Map overview
    Gaurdians are not blocked.

    Gameplay Video

    YouTube- Asset: Monolith by rifte gifle

    Creator's Comments
    First and foremost, I'd like to thank the many individuals who helped test this. Not exaggerating these numbers, there were at least 150. The one thing I wanted to give this map that Protocol did not, was a challenge (with the new gametype). Less campy spots, more vehicular combat, and overall that freaking out feeling you want to get during an Asset map, knowing that you're about to lose or the feeling of relief when you've won. Anyways, Monolith is the first map of the Asset map pack, if you like this, then you'll love what other maps we have in store. Also, the gametype has been updated. Download it, it'll still play fine with any other aset map andyou'll need it to be able to play on the other maps in the map pack, specifically ell3ment and gunnergrunt's colab.

    Gametype- Asset V2
    Map- Monolith

    Want to learn how to make your own Asset map? Click here!

    I'll try to release another map by the end of the week.
    #1 Rifte, Nov 7, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2009
  2. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    Nice job on this map was wondering when you would release it. It plays very well and is a great addition to the gametype I had a lot of fun on this one. :) Is the video from the old version or is that tube still blocked off?
    #2 Dak393, Nov 7, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2009
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Old version, there's two ways in. The video was kind of a last minute rush to the finish type thing :\
  4. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    o ok good well you got it posted right so thats what matters
  5. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    I actually thingk i like this MORE than I liked protocol, especially with the new gametype. It really promotes strategy and team work, that's for sure, and gameplay gets very hectic and exciting to the point where I feel like I'm playing firefight! The only concern I have is the wraith sometimes being overpowering, but now that I think about it - the wraith never really got too many kill tbh. But it did keep you cornered, and giving infantry the oppurtunity to attack.
  6. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I remember testing this today, man was it fun. I just love the whole idea of how the VIP is the like that alien which name i forget... The pole were covenant spawn sure is fun to dance on :) Maybe sometime soon i will make an asset map... Hopefully as good as this one.
  7. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    yay you posted it and thus is the begining of the asset mappack and the first of many signs that 2012 is not the end of the world. Anyway this is my favorite asset map out so far idk why it might have something to do with its intense gameplay jam packed with amazing covenant classes ODST teamwork needed amazing asthetics awesome stripper pole and not to mention a great taste in fx. This map is great because it forces the ODST to work together more now that they have been taken out of their safe zone and into a real intense firefight where no one is ever completely safe. 5/5 amazing work and i look forward the release of all of the new asset maps to come.
  8. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Rifte gifle let me guess, I little taste of what is sure to come. Hmmm... Looks interesting. The last one was okay but hard to beat if you had a retarded teammate as vergil. I had 3 guys stay up in the Drop-pod room. Ha, No Drop-pod this time. Anyway, I hope your Map Pack goes far. Sorry about the Rat nest Map. Good Luck.
  9. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    This was amazing to test. True, it was difficult for the defending team, but it was so much fun to play, I remember that game during the vid, I almost had you at the beggining of the game when I almost got you with that firebomb grenade.

    And I lold at the end of the vid, when i killed Virgil by trapping him.
    A 5/5, I would DL, but I already did during testing :)
  10. Vergil the Engineer

    Vergil the Engineer Forerunner
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    This map was pretty damn fun to play with the Asset V1... but I don't know how it plays with Asset V2.... But it is certainly funnier.... good job... but why is there bodies on the floor in the room where attackers have to wait 20 seconds?
  11. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    Great job. I like the structure in the dune; that is by far my favourite part of the map. I'm pretty sure I like this more than I liked Protocol (still haven't gotten around to playing it, dammit). I'll dl soon as I can.
    #11 Flameblad3, Nov 7, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2009
  12. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    This? That was because I booted the guy for being a squeaker :p
  13. Jore99X

    Jore99X Forerunner
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    I am a very big fan of your maps and i can't wait till more asset maps come. 5/5.
  14. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    I would definetly like asset alot more if I.... Well, if I could actually get a competent team together. The one time a played it with a large party, the VIP was always that Stupid SOB that refused to join the party, he had a mic and was talking to one other guy who wasn't in the party - I digress. It was very fun, however the second one looks better, and hopefully there will be less of a problem with the brutes destroying the hornet as soon as it spawns.... If only there were some way to get scripted AI into the gmae to play alongside people, oh well; it's still fun. Again, my only problems is my lack of ability to get a good team; had I a good team I would be likely have a hell of a good time.

    I've noticed a few people with Asset banners in their sig, I have yet to see a non-infection game (other then MLG) be so popular with people; Props to you for that.

    Oh yeah, if you ever play a game of this; Mr. Gifle (Even though for some inexplicable reason I imagine you as a girl, even though I'm pretty sure you're a guy - no offense), I would be honored to get an invite. Of course, my GT is Crushric. Happy Hunting.

    Edit: I Recently got a bigger party to play on Monolith, it was a little hecktic as few people knew what to do, I recall my friend Darkhawk400 saying that this map was better then the original one. It seemed as though the VIP stayed by the hornet spawn (Although no team made it long enough for it to spawn) and then the problem was with the jet pack brutes and invisibles killing the VIP. Perhaps that was likely because half of the defenders always ran out into the battlefield and the brutes didn't even bother with them. It still was very fun.

    As a side request, could you give the feul rods a longer respawn/not spawn at start? It gets annoying when someone picks it up and just spams it at the begining of the round. It stills doesn't really have much an effect when trying to defend the VIP, it's just mildly annoying.
    #14 Crushric, Nov 10, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2009
  15. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    + Well its Asset, so it goes without saying that its gonna be epic and feel like a war!
    + Great forging as always.
    + Interesting map layout.

    - The only one negative thing I could possibly put is that it seemed a little bit harder then the others, and their pretty damn hard as well.

    Score: 8/10
  16. Sin Of Rage

    Sin Of Rage Ancient
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    First, I'm a massive fan of the Asset maps, as are most of the people on my friends list. Protocol was a superb map in general, with a bunch of originally implemented ideas. Monolith is huge, and the base structure is aesthetically fantastic. Great fun to play with around 8 to 12 people, love to see more. Maybe an urban-style one, with lots of buildings?

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